Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities

vccThe Faith Communities Council of Victoria would like to invite you to a presentation on the Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities and the work done by several faith communities: the Jewish Task Force, Sankat Mochan Samiti and Anglicans Preventing Violence Against Women.

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songlinesNAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week is an Australian observance lasting from the first Sunday in July until the following Sunday. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.[2] The week is celebrated not just in the Indigenous communities but also in increasing numbers of government agencies, schools, local councils and workplaces. In 2016, Naidoc Week will run from Sunday, 3 July until Sunday, 10 July 2016.

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Victoria: Update on Parliamentary Inquiry into End of Life Choices

Following last month’s release of the final report of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into End of Life Choices, the Victorian Government has released a position paper Simplifying medical treatment decision making and advance care planning. The position paper explains new legislation the Government is developing on substitute decision making and advance care planning. The legislation’s … Read more

Victoria: At Kirribilli House with the PM

victorians Islamic Council of Victoria President Bayram Aktepe noted “It was a noteworthy first for the Australian Muslim community, and what a first for our nation at large. We also believe it is sends an important message to the World, that the leaders of Australia are driving an agenda of multicultural harmony by respecting and sharing in the rich tapestry of our community”.

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Melbourne: SEA of FAITH in AUSTRALIA (SoFiA)

sofialogoThe SoFiA Network promotes the open exploration of religion, spirituality and meaning. ‘Sea of Faith’ is not a church, but a network of people who are seeking a radical reappraisal of past religious traditions in order to meet today’s spiritual challenges. The Network affirms the continuing importance of religious thought and practice even though it acknowledges that religion, like art and poetry, is a purely human creation.

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Victoria: Freedom Stories Film Screening

In Celebration of Refugee Week 2016, telling the story of getting here is most important. All stories are stories of the Divine. The remarkable documentary ‘Freedom Stories’ tells the heartening stories of people who arrived in Australia seeking asylum around 2001. This landmark feature documentary charts the challenges and successes of finding safety in Australia, and building a new life, while dealing with the feelings conjured up by what has been left behind. There will be a screening in Melbourne at the Lido Cinema, Hawthorn, on evening of Monday, 20th June, 7pm.

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