Tasmania – March 2022

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We know the thoughts and prayers of all of you are going out to everyone who is suffering in our wounded world just now, both internationally and here in Australia. The power of interfaith prayer is needed as much as ever to support all those facing loss and difficulties. Religions for Peace will be conducting online prayer in the near future.

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Tasmania – February 2022

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Some of you may have been with us on Tuesday 1 February 2022, when members of Religions for Peace Australia (Victoria Branch, Tasmania Branch and the Multifaith Association of South Australia) hosted the annual UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture – online..

The lecture was given by Professor Douglas Ezzy, Professor of Sociology, University of Tasmania. The topic addressed by Professor Ezzy was Religious freedom, discrimination, and living well together.

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Tasmanian Way to St James pilgrim walk attracts global audience as virtual event

Tasmanian Way to St James pilgrim walk
Pilgrims walk from the Huon Valley to St James Church, Cygnet, Tasmania

People from all over the world are taking part in the virtual version of a Tasmanian pilgrimage this weekend.

The Way to St James from Mountain River to Cygnet was inspired by Spain’s Camino de Santiago.

COVID-19 has moved the Tasmanian event online, but pilgrims from around the world are connecting to share the experience.

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2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture

World Interfaith Harmony Week Logo - smallProfessor Douglas Ezzy of University of Tasmania will deliver the 2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week lecture on Tuesday 1 February 2022, on the topic of Religious freedom, discrimination, and living well together. This will an online event, hosted by Religions for Peace Australia Victoria Branch, Tasmania Branch and the Multifaith Association of South Australia.

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Tasmania – October 2021

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Greetings of peace! It’s hard to believe that we are nearly half-way through spring and well into October.  We hope you are well in everyway and experiencing success in all you do.

This month members of Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch invite you to join them in a number of initiatives to support Climate Action in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow.

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Tasmania – September 2021

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Greetings of Peace! We wish our friends, family and community Muharram Mubarak and Shana Tova, with many blessings and a new year of filled with peace, good health, hope and wellbeing. Although we are currently facing many challenges calling for spiritual hope and courage, September is a month filled with much significance and many holy days in different faith traditions.

The twentieth anniversary of 9/11, tomorrow, also is a reminder to renew our commitment to peace.  It is timely that 21 September every year commemorates the UN International Day of Peace.  This year the theme of UNIDP is ‘Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world’. RfP Tas will honour the day by meeting in person and by zoom (called ‘hybrid’ meetings these days) for silent meditation on Tuesday 21 September 21, beginning at 11.30am, finishing at 12noon to the sound of the Peace Bell, traditionally rung at that time in Japan.

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Tasmania – July/August 2021

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Greetings of peace! We hope that all of your families and friends here and overseas are well and safe as the world battles with COVID and all its variants.  We continue to hold everyone in our thoughts and prayers… especially at such a time people of faith hold on to the light of spiritual hope, knowing that compassion and lovingkindness can be a powerful means of helping one another through all these difficulties.

In August, we commemorate Hiroshima Day and Religions for Peace Tasmania will join the gathering to be held at 11-12noon on 7 August on Parliament House Lawns in Hobart.

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Leading Faith Communities in Difficult Times

Leading Faith Communities in Difficult Times The Pandemic – and lockdown – have presented both religious leaders and faith communities with challenges, particularly with delivery of normal religious observances when faith communities were barred from meeting in common due Covid-Safe restrictions applied by the various states and territory administrations. Here, Religious for Peace Australia gives one video of leading faith communities in difficult times.

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Tasmania – June 2021

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Greetings of Peace! We hope that everyone is taking special care for their wellbeing as we move into wintry weather and we’d like to pass on an encouraging reminder to book your COVID vaccination (1800 671 738) to ensure that we all stay safe, as far as we can.  Faith leaders have been encouraging their communities to do this.

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Tasmania – May 2021

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Greetings of Peace! Our gratitude continues for our great fortune in being (mostly) free from the ravages of the pandemic and our loving thoughts go to other countries in the world, especially India at the moment, where there is such suffering.

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