Queensland: Pure Land Learning College gets in the top four at awards

TOOWOOMBA’S Pure Land Learning College has been recognised by the State Government for its efforts in the community. Members from the college attended the Queensland Multicultural Awards where the college placed as one of the four finalists in the award’s community category. The college was one of the 133 nominees.

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Western Australia: Eid festival a time for celebration and reflection

Western Australian Muslims will join millions around the world this week in celebrating Eid ul-Adha, one of the most important festivals on the Islamic calendar. Eid ul-Adha marks the end of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, known as the Hajj. Also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, it is a reminder of the sacredness of life and is a time of significant celebration and reflection for the WA Muslim community.

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Pope Francis condemns church sex abuse in response to new revelations in US

Pope Francis has issued a letter to Catholics around the world condemning the “crime” of sexual abuse committed by priests — and its cover-up — and demanding accountability.

The Vatican issued the three-page letter on Monday in response to new revelations in the US of decades of misconduct by the Catholic Church.

The Pope begged forgiveness for the pain suffered by victims and said lay Catholics must be involved in any effort to root out abuse and cover-up.

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NSW Branch: Mysticism in your religion

The NSW Branch of Religions for Peace met at Parliament House, Sydney, to discuss “Mysticism in your religion”. Speakers were Ven Gayatripana (Hindu), Elder Norma Ingram (Indigenous), Rev MiaoYou (Buddhist), Lorraine Murphy (Christian), Rabbi Dr Orna Triguboff (Jewish), Zhora Aly (Muslim). The discussion was followed by very interesting Q&A. Religions for Peace were hosted by … Read more

Victoria: Facts about Islam key to anti-Muslim prejudice

A Deakin University study has found that having more factual knowledge of Islam and contact with Muslims is linked to less prejudice against Muslims. The study by researchers with the University’s Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI) is the first to examine whether knowing more facts about Islam as a religion and knowing more Muslims predicts lower levels of prejudice regardless of people’s age, education and political views.

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