Victoria: ACU public lecture: Evolution, cooperation and the question of God

The Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry at Australian Catholic University is pleased to invite you to a public lecture to be given by IRCI Professorial Fellow Sarah Coakley. The topic is, Evolution, cooperation and the question of God -Is there a future for “natural theology”? . This will be held at 6pm on Monday the 18th of February at Christ Lecture Theatre, ACU Melbourne.

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Victoria: Bendigo Interfaith Council ~ Annual Forum and Dinner 2019

As part of the 2018 Bendigo Zinda Festival, Bendigo Interfaith Council will hold a Forum and Dinner at the All Seasons Conservatory on Thursday, March 21 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM. Guest speaker will be Sherene Hassan OAM, Education Director of the Islamic Museum of Australia.

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Victoria: Tibetan New Year Festival 2019

The Tibetan Buddhist Society takes great pleasure in inviting you to the New Year Meditation Festival on 23 and 24 February. Our festival to celebrate the new year has a new format with a strong focus on the temple and meditation. Activities will happen in and around the beautiful traditional Tibetan temple and surrounding gardens.

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Tasmania: February 2019

Tasmania LogoGreetings of peace! UN World Interfaith Harmony Week is being held throughout the world this week 1-7 February 19. For one week each year— World Interfaith Harmony Week mobilizes interfaith groups and peoples of goodwill to celebrate the beauty of the world when neighbours of diverse religious and spiritual traditions come together to understand, support, and uplift one another.

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Bronze baby Buddha found off WA’s north coast could be Ming treasure

Two West Australian men, while exploring the state’s north coast with a metal detector, have discovered a bronze Buddha figurine that could date back to the early Ming Dynasty.

If authenticated, the infant Buddha will be of high value and potentially historically significant if its arrival on the coast could be shown to predate the first European visits to Australia’s western coast.

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Victoria: Showing Up: Bystander Intervention Program

Australian Intercultural Society, in collaboration with the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, the Australian Union of Jewish Students and Benevolence Australia will present a collaborative initiative as part of the Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Action Plan over several dates in 2019.

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Victoria: Listening to the Statement of the Heart

In observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week, The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne – in collaboration with faith leaders from many traditions – will participate in a Listening to the Statement from the Heart at St Oswald’s Church, Glen Iris on Sunday 17 February 2019.

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