2019-2020 Annual Report

Religions for Peace AustraliaEmeritus Professor Desmond Cahill, Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, delivered the Annual Report for Religions for Peace Australia at the Annual General Meeting (online) on 15 June 2020. The report is given below.

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Submission to Senate Select Committee Inquiry into COVID-19

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On 8 April 2020, the Senate resolved to establish a Select Committee on COVID-19 to inquire into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee is to present its final report on or before 30 June 2022. Religions for Peace Australia has made a comprehensive and wide-ranging submission to the Select Committee.

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Tasmania – June 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace! Hoping you are all keeping well and warm and absorbed in the task of sending thoughts of peace to the troubled world.!

Friday 5 June 2020 is UN World Environment Day.  To honour the day and to create an opportunity to practise dadirri (deep listening to Country), Kris Schaffer has very kindly invited us to Potter’s Hill at South Arm.

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Joint Statement of Australian faith community representatives: Australia’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic so far, looking ahead now

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Religions for Peace Australia has met on several occasions with leaders of many faith communities in Australia to ascertain the state of affairs with regard to the welfare of all during this time of Coronavirus with lockdown, loss of employment, loss of income and quarantine restrictions. The the outcome of these meetings is reported, along with recommendations for the welfare of overseas students, Temporary Protection Visa holders and asylum seekers, all of whom have fallen through the gaps in the welfare provided by government organisations. Several recommendations are made to the Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure.

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NSW: International Yoga Day

International Day of Yoga

International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide on 21 June of each year. Yoga is an ancient tradition which has many applications. Individuals practice yoga all over the world, and gain benefit the asana poses and excercises bestow. Other forms of yoga still the mind within, and grant inner peace and stillness. The United Nations proclaimed International Day of Yoga in 2014. The day is growing in popularity each year. This year, due Coronavirus and lockdown in various nations, there may be some restrictions on mass public yoga events.

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Religions for Peace Australia Annual General Meeting

Religions for Peace LogoReligions for Peace Australia will conduct the Annual General Meeting for year 2019-2020 online using Zoom on Monday 15 June 2020. Interested members of the public are invited to attend and listen to the presentations on Snap back/forward- recovery and resilience during Covid 19 time . These presentations will take place from 11:00am until 12:30pm

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Tasmania – May 2020

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Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing as we begin to emerge from lockdown!

This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally. We also celebrate the creativity and pastoral care taken by faith communities in this time of withdrawal to provide spiritual sustenance in unique and creative ways. Many of us have found benefit in the time of quietness we have been through, as well as the new ways we have found to keep connection.

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NSW: Buddhist Studies May 2020 Seminar

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will take place online using Zoom on 21 May at 6:30pm (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time). The topic will be Intention in Karmaphala from the Vaibhāṣika View According to the Eighth and the Ninth Karmapa’s Abhidharmakośa Commentaries.

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Eased coronavirus restrictions in the NT allow for first Ramadan prayers

Darwin MosqueMohammad Waqas, the president of the NT’s Islamic Society, says being able to pray in public is a huge boost to morale in the community. On account of the relaxed lockdown restrictions in the Northern Territory, the Darwin Mosque opened its doors for Friday prayes and Taweed on 15 May 2020.

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South Australia: May 2020

Multifaith Association of South Australia

The Multifaith Association of South Australia lists interfaith events, climate events and faith festivals happening both locally in South Australia, and nationally, with internet participation – for the month of May, 2020.

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