Religions for Peace Australia Annual General Meeting

Religions for Peace LogoReligions for Peace Australia will conduct the Annual General Meeting for year 2019-2020 online using Zoom on Monday 15 June 2020. Interested members of the public are invited to attend and listen to the presentations on Snap back/forward- recovery and resilience during Covid 19 time . These presentations will take place from 11:00am until 12:30pm

Religions for Peace Australia data

Annual General Meeting 2019-2020
All welcome
Contact the Secretary for ZOOM link or ring in number:
MONDAY JUNE 15th 9.50 for 10am start
After that Annual Discussion 11-2pm

Join the Annual General Meeting @ Zoom: contact the Secretary for zoom link and meeting room password.


10am-10.55 am AGM

  1. Welcome to country- Philippa Rowlands SA
  2. Silent prayer/meditation or reflection -Josie Lacey RfP NSW
  3. Welcome- Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill
  4. Apologies
  5. Approval of AGM Minutes 2019
  6. Chairperson’s report (15 min)
  7. Review of plan-Dr Sue Ennis Secretary (5 mins)
  8. Treasurer’s report (written)
  9. Interstate representatives’/affiliates/ associates and other reports (written) only questions
    • NSW (orally mention 1-3 current and future issues- 3 minutes)
    • NT
    • SA
    • Qld
    • Vic
    • WA
    • TAS
    • ACT
    • Web Master oral report- Rev Chris Parnell (7 minutes)
  10. Membership matters
  11. Election of the Australian committee
  12. Other business


Time Topic: Snap back/forward- recovery and resilience during Covid 19 time
11:00 - 11:30 United Religious Initiatives overview- Ann Aisatullin
11:00 - 11:30 Climate Issues- Philippa Rowlands Chair of Multifaith South Australia
...Time for Questions
11:30 5 minute break
11:35 - 12:30Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill - on RfP International and RfP Asia
11:35 - 12:30Professor Samina Yasmeen –Director of Muslim States and Societies University of Western Australia
11:35 - 12:30Dr Brian Adams – Director of the Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue at Griffith University
...Time for Questions
12:30 - 13:00Lunch Break – Don’t turn off Zoom
13:00 - 13:20Discussion of Issues raised by States
13:20 - 13:55Religions for Peace Australia Annual Plan for 2020 - 2021
13:55 - 14:00 Silent prayer/meditation or reflection- Dr Brian Adams


World Conference of Religion and Peace
Religions for Peace Australia is legally known as “The World Conference of Religions for Peace Australia”