NSW: Makkah to Madina Exhibition – A journey of a lifetime

makkah-medinaSadly, this year, the pilgrimage to Makkah has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Relive the journey of a lifetime with Australia’s largest Islamic Exhibition. For the first time ever in Sydney, experience the migration of the prophet from Makkah to Madina. Featuring intricate 3D models, guided tours and a large 3D scaled model of the Ka’bah. Walk in the cave of Hira model and witness the real size of the Cave of Thawr. Sessions are at Padstow, 24 and 25 July 2020.

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Lockdown: St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Gardiner, Melbourne

St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Gardiner, MelbourneIn Australia, religious communities were one part of society expressly impacted by the ‘lockdown’ directives introduced to stem the spread of the virus. On 29 March all places of religious worship were effectively closed by the restrictions that limited non-essential indoor gatherings to two people. In Victoria, lockdown came again on 9th of July, with border closures. Here, we look to faith community experiences in time of lockdown. On this page, we look to the experience of the members of the Christian community at St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Gardiner, Melbourne, Australia.

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Lockdown: Glen Osmond Gurdwara, Adelaide South Australia

Glen Osmond Gurdwara, Adelaide South Australia In Australia, religious communities were one part of society expressly impacted by the ‘lockdown’ directives introduced to stem the spread of the virus. On 29 March all places of religious worship were effectively closed by the restrictions that limited non-essential indoor gatherings to two people. In Victoria, lockdown came again on 9th of July, with border closures. Here, we look to faith community experiences in time of lockdown. On this page, we look to the experience of the members of the Sikh community at Glen Osmond Gurdwara, Adelaide South Australia.

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Statement from Victoria Police

Victoria Police

Victoria Police is aware of recent media reporting and online community discussions suggesting that certain communities are to blame for the latest rise in confirmed coronavirus cases. We know this may cause many people to feel that they are being unfairly targeted. We want the community to know that we stand by you. If you … Read more

Victoria: Statement on Islamophobia

Islamic Council of VictoriaThe Islamic Centre of Victoria has recently produced a Statement on Islamophobia. The statement explains Islamophobia, violent extremism and countering violent extremism. The statement has significant support from public leaders and the religious communities of Victoria. We provide a truncated summary of this document.

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Interfaith Prayers for Coronavirus Lockdown

Interfaith Prayers for LockdownWhen the government and community leaders seek to provide protection for the community, and isolate some – or all – of a community, there comes a time when people begin to have strong feelings and need support. While those giving support are blessed and appreciated, here, we bring you prayers and meditations from many different religions for your engagement and reflection during this time of isolation and lockdown.

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Tasmania – July 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is moving through the winter with a level of wellness, warmth and well-being.

We know that, while we are doing well with respect to COVID-19 at the moment in Tasmania, people in other places are not so lucky and many of us will have connections with those in other places who are sick or anxious. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and with them.

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Freedom of Religion in Australia: a focus on serious harms

Freedom of Religion in Australia: a focus on serious harmsThe Australian Human Rights Commission and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission jointly delivered a position paper on Freedom of Religion in Australia: a focus on serious harms online, on 1 July 2020. The Position Paper concludes with several recommendations as to how governments in Australia can improve protections for the right to freedom of religion in Victoria and Australia.

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Victoria: Lockdown Suburbs and Religious Events

Victoria - State GovernmentPlease see below the latest directions from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) detailing the restrictions that apply to those living in these identified areas. Can you please forward this information throughout your various platforms, community contacts and networks who reside in these areas (locations detailed below), drawing particular attention to the restriction relating to Faith: Religious ceremonies and private worship can only occur online.
This advice updated 3 July 2020 – see below

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