MCG opens a new Multi-Faith Prayer Room

MCG opens a new Multi-Faith Prayer RoomThe Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC), managers of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) are delighted to today unveil the brand-new MCG Multi-Faith Prayer Room, open to the public ahead of all four matches of Round 1 of the 2022 AFL Premiership Season.

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Tasmania – March 2022

Tasmania Logo

We know the thoughts and prayers of all of you are going out to everyone who is suffering in our wounded world just now, both internationally and here in Australia. The power of interfaith prayer is needed as much as ever to support all those facing loss and difficulties. Religions for Peace will be conducting online prayer in the near future.

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Tasmania – February 2022

Tasmania Logo

Some of you may have been with us on Tuesday 1 February 2022, when members of Religions for Peace Australia (Victoria Branch, Tasmania Branch and the Multifaith Association of South Australia) hosted the annual UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture – online..

The lecture was given by Professor Douglas Ezzy, Professor of Sociology, University of Tasmania. The topic addressed by Professor Ezzy was Religious freedom, discrimination, and living well together.

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Australia Day Reflection

Indigenous FlagsReligions for Peace Australia is currently in the throes of forming an Interreligous Council of Australia. It is the intention of Religions for Peace Australia to engage respectfully for the presence of First Nations on this Inter-religious Council.

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Tasmanian Way to St James pilgrim walk attracts global audience as virtual event

Tasmanian Way to St James pilgrim walk
Pilgrims walk from the Huon Valley to St James Church, Cygnet, Tasmania

People from all over the world are taking part in the virtual version of a Tasmanian pilgrimage this weekend.

The Way to St James from Mountain River to Cygnet was inspired by Spain’s Camino de Santiago.

COVID-19 has moved the Tasmanian event online, but pilgrims from around the world are connecting to share the experience.

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2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture

World Interfaith Harmony Week Logo - smallProfessor Douglas Ezzy of University of Tasmania will deliver the 2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week lecture on Tuesday 1 February 2022, on the topic of Religious freedom, discrimination, and living well together. This will an online event, hosted by Religions for Peace Australia Victoria Branch, Tasmania Branch and the Multifaith Association of South Australia.

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NSW: Buddhist Studies December Seminar

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will take place online using Zoom on 9 December 2021 at 6:30pm (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time). The topic will be Mystics as Scholars: The Obscure Role of Abhidharma in Tibetan Kagyüpa Meditation Traditions From the 15th to 17th Centuries.

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Cairns bishop condemns ‘ignorant, divisive’ parishioners peddling anti-vaccine myths

Cairns bishop condemns 'ignorant, divisive' parishioners peddling anti-vaccine mythsBishop James Foley of Cairns says Catholic parishioners in Cairns are spreading vaccine misinformation based on “erroneous ideas”. The Cairns Local Government Area has recently surpassed the 70 per cent full vaccination rate. Bishop Foley says rumours that unvaccinated parishioners are not welcome at church are unfounded.

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