Sharing Activity Responding to Domestic Violence

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On 25 November 2022 – in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – Religions for Peace Australia invited faith communities to share strategies taken up for the prevention of violence against women. On this page, we share the work of Deacon Oliver Slewa, Program Manager, Domestic Violence, New South Wales Ecumenical Council.

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Preventing violence against women and family violence in faith settings

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Issues of religious faith, or the belief in a specific system of principles and practices that give reverence to a higher power, are often central to the experiences of many victims and survivors of domestic violence. Faith communities and secular domestic violence programs are becoming increasingly aware of the need to create an awareness of domestic violence within faith communities, as well as the need for cross-training and education about dynamics of domestic violence and the role that faith plays in individuals’ lives.

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Students expelled after parents refuse to keep quiet on child sex abuse claims

Cheder Levi Yitzchok school in St Kilda Several siblings have been expelled from a faith-based school in St Kilda because their parents refused to sign a memorandum of understanding that limited who they could talk to about the alleged sexual abuse of their children.

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Inquiry into international armed conflict decision making

Parliament of Australia logoThe Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade has commenced an inquiry into international armed conflict decision making with the terms of reference referred by the Minister of Defence, the Hon Richard Marles MP. Religions for Peace Australia has made a submission to the Inquiry.

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Prayers and Sacred Reflections responding to Floods in Australia

Prayers and Sacred Reflections responding to Floods in Australia

In the latter part of 2022, parts of Australia’s east coast were hit with ongoing flooding, just one week after the declaration of a rare third La Niña. Torrential widespread rain and storms across much of the inland south-east caused major flooding from already full waterways across southern Queensland, inland New South Wales and northern Victoria.

In response to the damage and suffering caused to those in flooded townships – and in small towns – and in the byways of regional Australia and Tasmania, Religions for Peace Australia will conduct Prayers for the welfare of all involved and affected, and for all who are suffering ongoing dislocation and illnesses.

Prayers and Sacred Reflections responding to Floods in Australia will take place online on Tuesday 13 December at 7:30pm. Participants will attend from all states.

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Forget $3000 caskets, meet the guy who paints cardboard coffins in Canberra

Cardboard coffinTender Funerals is a not-for-profit, largely volunteer-run funeral company with operations in Sydney, the Illawarra region, and the Mid-North Coast. Giving the family maximum control at a low cost is their unique selling point. A cardboard coffin like the one in his garage wholesales for $135 at Daisy Box Australia. Tender Funerals adds a small fee and sells them to members of the public to decorate as they please.

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Domestic violence in the church – guiding survivors to healing and hope

Domestic and Family Violence
Justice for women is a gospel issue

“Take a stand for the survivor, challenge the abuser and contest dismissive attitudes, while always seeking the safety, sanity and dignity of the survivor with your words and behaviour.”

This quote is from Renew, an Australian Guide for Christian Women Survivors of Domestic Abuse, published by Anglicare, which aims to be a helpful resource for survivors and for those who walk alongside them.

“It’s a place that they can find helpful, practical information,” says Lynda Dunstan, Anglicare Family and Domestic Violence Adviser, who is the Australian Editor of Renew, an adaptation of Restored, UK’s handbook for Christian women survivors of domestic abuse.

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Tasmania: November-December 2022

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Greetings of peace!

We hope everything is going peacefully for you, your families and your communities as we enter another season of holy days to end the old year (where did that year go?) and begin a new one full of possibilities.

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Meditation and The Sanctuary Experience

Mental HealthIn times of challenges presented by weather and the local environment, mental health is most important for those suffering the impact of extremes in their personal environment. The Brahma Kumaris community of Australia has produced a series of meditations which may be of help in bringing peoples to inner stillness. We take a look at The Sanctuary Experience and how it can help people experiencing extreme, emotional challenges.

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