Harmony Week 2023

Harmony Week 2023Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Several resources are available, and there are a number of interfaith events occurring during Harmony Week.

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Queensland to ban Nazi swastika tattoos as part of crackdown on hate symbols

Queensland to ban Nazi swastika tattoos

The Queensland government has vowed to make it illegal to display Nazi swastika tattoos as part of its ban on hate symbols that it says will be among the strongest in the country.

Queensland will join New South Wales, which has already implemented a ban on displaying the symbol, in applying the restriction to tattoos. Western Australia and Tasmania are also moving to include tattoos in their proposed bans.

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A National Human Rights Act for Australia

A National Human Rights Act for Australia

Australia is the only liberal democracy that does not have a bill or charter of rights at the national level, and people’s human rights are not very well protected in Australian law. The starting point for a national Human Rights Act is to recognise that people’s human rights matter, all of the time, and should be protected.

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NSW: Zero tolerance regarding safety and security at religious institutions

Zero tolerance regarding safety and security at religious institutionsA re-elected NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will invest $10 million over four years to boost safety and security for faith communities.

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Victoria: Statements from the Soul Panel Discussion

Statements from the Soul Panel Discussion

Statements from the Soul is a new book comprised of a collection of essays from diverse religious leaders and thinkers advocating the moral case for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and for a First Nations voice to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution. Moderated by prominent journalist Patricia Karvelas, presenter of ABC’s RN Breakfast, Statements from the Soul panel discussion will feature some of the contributors on why a First Nations voice to parliament is necessary not only legally and politically, but also morally. Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 6:15pm at The Craig Auditorium, Trinity College, Melbourne

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NSW: Buddhist Studies March Seminar

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will be a hybrid event, both Face-to-Face and Zoom on Thursday 9 March at 6:30pm (CAEST). The topic will be Buddhist theory of conditional genesis and social healing approach towards post conflict reconciliation.

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NSW: Climate Change Conversation – Climate Migration

How Will Climate Migration Reshape Our World

How Will Climate Migration Reshape Our World? Find out in a Climate Change Conversations at the University of NSW on Thursday 9 March, 6:30 pm at the Kensington Campus UNSW Roundhouse.

The UNSW Centre for Ideas, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law and Adelaide Writers’ Week invite you to join in a conversation about climate change, its impacts on human displacement and solutions.

The UN Secretary-General has warned that the climate crisis is on track to prompt ‘a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale’.

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Bringing Our Multifaith Neighbours Together for Reconciliation: The Voice

 World Interfaith Harmony Week LogoThe Interfaith Centre of Melbourne invites you to attend a special World Interfaith Harmony Week event in the Melbourne Town Hall, 90 -140 Swanston Street, Melbourne, to hear clear information about a Voice to Parliament from First Nations People and from religious and community leaders who are working for Reconciliation on Sunday 26 February, 2023, 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm.

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Opening the Parliamentary Year: Deep Listening

Opening the Parliamentary Year: Deep Listening

Each time a new parliamentary sitting commences, one of the churches of Canberra hosts a service of worship, to which come the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, their parliamentary colleagues, and others connected with the workings of the Parliament. This year, at the start of the parliamentary year, the preacher was the Rev. Dr Sarah Bachelard, who is the Director of the Benedictus Community, which meets in Canberra and online.

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Tasmania: February 2023

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

World Interfaith Harmony Week aims to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith and non-faith. It provides a platform, one week in the year, where people of every group can recognize their common values, build ties with each other, and work alongside one another to bring peace and harmony to their communities.

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