This guide has been produced as part of the Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Program. This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network. This network is a group of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, and is funded through the Victorian Government, Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Program.
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships
From 2018-20, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health was proud to partner with University of Melbourne to deliver a Participatory Action Research project called ‘Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships.’
The project was established by the Multifaith Advisory Group (MAG) based on recommendations 163 and 165 of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, and funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Multicultural Affairs Unit.