Take Action to Heal Our Earth

rfpnew Support for Faiths for Earth continues to rise as we journey together – on this our common home – on the Road to Paris. The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences/Social Sciences, and Religions for Peace has produced a short educational video on Laudato Si‘, the encyclical of Pope Francis.

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Islamic Declaration on Climate Change

islamicdeclaration Islamic leaders have issued a clarion call to 1.6bn Muslims around the world to work towards phasing out greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and a 100% renewable energy strategy. The grand mufti’s of Lebanon and Uganda endorsed the Islamic declaration on climate change, along with prominent Islamic scholars and teachers from 20 countries, at a symposium in Istanbul.

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World Summit Issues Call to Conscience for the Climate

whydoicare 21 July 2015: A ‘Call to Conscience for the Climate‘ was officially launched at the World Summit of Conscience. The Summit gathered people from many of the world’s religions and wisdoms to discuss fundamental moral questions related to climate change, such as why we should care, how one can show one cares, and how to inspire the world to care. The Summit also saw the launch of the “Why Do I Care?” campaign, which has so far garnered over 1,200 participants.

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Inter-religious march in Rome demands action on climate change

canromaSeveral thousand Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Moslems marched through Rome to the Vatican on Sunday to demand action on climate change and thank Pope Francis for his encyclical on the environment.

They marched behind banners reading “Many Faiths – One Planet” and “The Earth – Our Common Home – Climate Action Now!”

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South Australia: Appeal to Spiritual Leaders

mfsagm Climate Change is an issue that affects us all and the Multifaith Association of South Australia recognises the need for people of all faiths to join together and take action; we also recognise that all faiths have a deep spiritual connection with the earth and environment we live in. Accordingly we are sending an open leader to spiritual leaders to call for action on climate change.

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Vatican City: United Call for Moral Awakening on Climate Change

vaticanclimate UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon opened a consultation at the Vatican hosted by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences, in consultation with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Columbia University’s Earth Institute, and Religions for Peace International. The consultation focused squarely on the moral and religious dimensions of climate change and sustainable development, especially through its effect on the world’s poor.

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There is no conflict between our faiths and the science of climate change

rfpnew> Three International Vice Presidents of Religions for Peace, Rabbi David Rosen, Cardinal John Onaiyekan and Professor Dr. Din Syamsuddin have given an opinion editorial on the Pope’s Letter (Encyclical) to the World on Climate Change. This work emphsises the common grounds for faiths to work together on Climate Change.

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Queensland: Nurturing a Spiritual Approach to Climate Change

ecoicd The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Australian Earth Laws Alliance will be hosting an information session, which features presentations about ecocentrism and ecospirituality from Earth Jurispurdence perspectives, in addition to perspectives from many faith traditions. This event also features open space and small group discussions. This event will take place on Tuesday, 23 June at Griffith University.

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