Australian Earth Laws Alliance invites you to join for a thought provoking two day conference in Brisbane, on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November 2017 at the Griffith Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue. This conference will bring together people from a range of fields – including environmental education, ethics, environmental psychology, indigenous knowledge systems, the arts, deep ecology, science, business and law – to address a central question: how do we inspire and build Earth ethics in Australian society?
Victoria: Global Citizenship and You, Embracing Earth’s Challenge
The Buddhist Council of Victoria and the Interfaith Centre of Melbourne would like to invite you a day seminar considering the impact of Climate Change. The seminar is Global Citizenship and You, Embracing Earth’s Challenge at East Brunswick, on Saturday 27 August 2016.
Ecological aspects of war: religious perspectives from Australia
Ecological Aspects of War | Religious Perspectives from Australia is a one-day symposium to consider intersections between war and ecology, through the lenses of religious social teachings and sacred texts, representative of the multi-cultural and inter-faith constitution of contemportary Australian society.