Victoria: Conversation – "Regaining Hope"

Darebin Interfaith Council

Regaining Hope will be the Darebin Interfaith Council’s contribution to the City of Darebin?s World Refugee Week activities. This enlightening forum will offer to those interested in understanding the plight of refugees who struggle with despair, issues of forgiveness, and steps to hope and healing. Participants will be able to engage in educative discussions while networking with other community members and organisations to help build an inclusive, “hopeful” community.

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Victoria: Mary Meets Mohammad

Mary Meets Mohammad

Wyndham Interfaith Network, Wyndham Community and Education Centre and Wyndham City will present a special screening of the documentary Mary Meets Mohammad as a part of Refugee Week 2014 activities.

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Royal Commission: Confronting the Complexity

Justice Peter McClellan

Justice Peter McClellan took time out to address an international men’s health symposium in Brisbane on Thursday, 12 June, and detailed the range of institutions in which child abuses has occurred. Justice McClellan gave an overview of the Royal Commission’s work thus far and the tasks which remain in order to satisfy the charge given to the Royal Commission in the Letters Patent.

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Qld: Exploring Ecospirituality

Eco Spirituality

The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Australian Earth Laws Alliance will be hosting a one day workshop, which features presentations about ecocentrism and ecospirituality from Indigenous, Buddhist, Islamic, Pagan, Christian and secular points of view. The day also features open space and small group discussions.

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G20 Interfaith Summit

index.php/912-g20-interfaith-conference-registration-opens Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will conduct a G20 Interfaith Summit on November 16 – 18. Worldwide, there is increasing recognition that faith and religion play a vital role in promoting peaceful and harmonious relationships within and between nations. However there are few examples of positive contributions faiths and religions make … Read more

Understanding Sustainable Development Goals

Understanding Sustainable Development Goals

Understanding the Sustainable Development Goals and partnerships in civil society are important for creating a livable future for those yet to be born. The Millenium Development Goals will become the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015.

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Max Charlesworth

The death of Professor Max Charlesworth, 89, has been announced. He died at his home in North Carlton in his sleep, the father of seven children and eleven grandchildren. A philosopher by training and of a sensible centre left persuasion, he had a very distinguished academic career.

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RfP Tasmania – June 2014

Tasmania Logo

Religions for Peace Tasmania will be celebrating World Environment Day in a variety of ways during June. There will not be our usual gathering on 10 June, the second Tuesday of the month, as the trip to Dolphin Sands will take the place of our meeting in Mather’s House (the 50 and Better Centre).

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