‘If the land is sick, so are we’: Australian First Nations spirituality explained

Aboriginal Religious Art

As an national interfaith and multifaith body with links to other nations, Religions for Peace gives acknowledgement and respect to all religions and spiritualities. In particular, we do not speak about Indigenous spirituality, rather, we allow indigenous peoples to share their law, their practice, their spiritual beliefs. We are coming to know that their presence in this land is older than 60,000 years – so these beliefs handed down in oral tradition are older than the Abrahamic religions. Here, this article by Joshua Waters, Senior Research Fellow, Indigenous Knowledges, Deakin University shares beliefs about the wellness of the land and the wellness of those who inhabit it.

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Victoria: Anglican Church and First Nations Matters

Anglican Province of Victoria Logo

The Anglican Province of Victoria will commence a new Indigenous ministry and reconciliation initiative to strengthen the participation and leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Anglican Church. The project will be led by Wiradjuri elder and Anglican priest, the Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey.

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Wisdom as Universal Phenomenon

New Age IslamTrue wisdom, by its very nature, transcends the boundaries of individual belief systems and compels us to think and act in ways that serve the greater good. It encourages us to look beyond our own immediate interests and to consider the welfare of the whole, whether that whole is defined in terms of our local community, our nation, or the entire human family, writes Dr Adis Duderija of Griffith University in New Age Islam.

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The Voice: Where to from here?

Christians for an Ethical Society (CES)Christians for an Ethical Society (CES) in conjunction with the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C), are hosting this very special forum with one of Australia’s leading indigenous theologians, Professor Anne Pattel-Gray. Prof Anne Pattel-Gray will discuss the Referendum held last year and the hope that Aboriginal theology provides for the future on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

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Transnational Repression in North America: Sikh community

Religions for Peace USA

Religions for Peace USA will conduct an online seminar examining Transnational Repression in North America and the Sikh Community. This seminar will take place online (Zoom or Facebook) on Thursday 20 June, 2pm to 3pm ET (USA time).

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Pope Francis issues G7 Leaders challenge on Artificial Intelligence

Pope Francis issues G7 Leaders challenge on Artificial Intelligence

BARI, Italy — Pope Francis challenged leaders of the world’s wealthy democracies on Friday to keep human dignity foremost in developing and using artificial intelligence, warning that such powerful technology risks turning human relations themselves into mere algorithms.

Francis brought his moral authority to bear on the Group of Seven, invited by host Italy to address a special session at their annual summit on the perils and promises of AI. In doing so, he became the first pope to attend the G7, offering an ethical take on an issue that is increasingly on the agenda of international summits, government policy and corporate boards alike.

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Hajj – a vision of interfaith solidarity

Kaaba - the goal of the Hajj pilgrimageThe Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca in 2024 occurs from Evening of Friday, 14 June 2024 – Wednesday, 19 June 2024, when Muslims turn to the Kaaba as a common centre point, they are reminded of their sacred bond with the entire human race and their special relationship with the other Abrahamic religions.

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World Council of Churches visitors focus on human rights, ecumenical formation amid the world’s challenges

World Council of Churches LogoRecent visitors to the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Ecumenical Institute at Bossey focused on ecumenical formation, human rights, racism, inequality, and other major considerations facing the world—as well as how the World Council of Churches is providing hope and solidarity.

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The Divine Chorus Director: A Better Model for Understanding the Relationship between God and Humanity

Dr. Adis DuderijaDr Adis Duderija of Griffith University writes when contemplating the relationship between God and humanity, it is essential to move beyond simplistic metaphors and embrace a more nuanced understanding. Viewing God as a chorus director or a director of a theatrical performance offers a powerful model that takes into account the complex interplay between freedom, aesthetics, and unity-in-diversity.

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Dario Girolami – A Zen Teacher Engaged in Interfaith Work

Dario GirolamiDario Girolami, Abbot of Centro Zen L’Arco Roma, has been immersing himself in interfaith study, teaching, and social engagement since his college years in Rome. A former San Francisco Zen Center resident who was ordained by Zenkei Blanche Hartman and received Dharma Transmission from Eijun Linda Cutts, he currently is a leader in the international interfaith group Religions for Peace. He is co-president of Religions for Peace Italy and is on the Board of Directors of Religions for Peace Europe.

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