‘War hurts our hearts’: silent multi-faith peace walk held in London

‘War hurts our hearts’: silent multi-faith peace walk held in London

Without flags, placards or chants, hundreds of people joined a silent multi-faith peace walk in London on Sunday in response to the Israel-Gaza war.

Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists walked side-by-side from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square and back in solidarity with people affected by the conflict in the Middle East.

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Christian groups support hate speech protections

Christian groups have swung their support behind hate speech protectionsChristian groups have swung their support behind hate speech protections expected to be introduced to Parliament during 2024. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has confirmed that Labor will include new measures to protect people from hate speech and vilification based on their faith when it seeks to legislate religious discrimination laws this year.

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German anti-fascists aim to trademark Nazi slogans to ‘hit them where it hurts’

Nazi slogans

Knittel, executive creative director of the German advertising agency Jung von Matt, decided to take the bull by the horns and apply his creative mind to come up with a practical solution to the proliferation of far-right merchandise carrying Nazi slogans, but with their vowels removed to keep them within Germany’s postwar laws.

Found on everything from boxer shorts to beer mugs, T-shirts to cushions, hoodies to spectacle cases, the slogans are part of a booming online industry that anti-fascist campaigners say helps bolster the growing scene’s coffers and identity, as well as emboldening its members.

Htlr, vowels removed to disguise the word Hitler, which would make it illegal, is just one of many examples of abbreviations including VTR LND for Vaterland (fatherland) and HKNKRZ for Hakenkreuz, the German word for swastika.

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Queensland: Life Matters Workshop

Initiatives of Change Australia logoInitiatives of Change Australia will conduct a Life Matters Taster at the Gateway, 91 Wembley Road Logan on Sat January 20 2024 at 5pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time). People from vastly different backgrounds come together in workshops that examine identity, personal change, responsibility, accountability, trust, reconciliation, relationships, conflict resolution and forgiveness. This taster gives an overview of the event.

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Cease the Echoes of Strife: Resolving 2024 and the Conflicts of our Time

Resolving 2024 and the Conflicts of our TimeSince the passing of Lord Krishna, there have been more than 5000 wars on Earth. Homo Sapiens were not born for conflict; we have the immortal soul within us, which beckons to peace within. Transliterating Gandhi, when there is peace in the heart, there will be peace in the home; when there is peace in the home, there will be peace in the society. What, then, are the steps nations need to take to bring Peace on Earth?

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Nonviolent Interfaith Solidarity Jihad — An Autobiographical Account

Dr. Adis DuderijaMost people yearn for a world of love and real human connection and to live meaningful lives that transcend material well-being, that tie us to the ongoing unfolding of spirit and consciousness, and that connect us with the inherent interdependence and love that permeates and inspires all being. So writes Dr. Adis Duderija, of Griffith University. Dr. Duderija is an Executive Member with Religions for Peace Australia.

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7 Days of Rest

7 Days of Rest

7 Days of Rest, January 1-7, is an annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.

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