Griffith University Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with Peace & Conflict Studies Institute of Australia, Gumurrii Student Support Unit presents: Community Café Dialogue: The Role of Faith in the Economy
Queensland: Interfaith Walk and Prayer for Peace
An Interfaith Prayer and Walk for Peace cosponsored by the Universal Peace Federation, Women’s Federation for World Peace and Believing Women for a Culture of Peace will take place in Brisbane on Sunday 14 September, 2014
Queensland: Iftaar at Parliament House
The Queensland Intercultural Society hosted its 7th annual iftaar in Parliament House. Parliamentarians past and present, community leaders, academics, Imams and business leaders were in attendance.
Queensland: Sufi Musical Evening
A Sufi Musical Evening will be held at Parliament House, George Street, Brisbane, on August 14, evening.
Queensland: Abrahamic Faiths Concert
The annual Queensland Abrahamic Faiths Concert will be held on Thursday, 28th August 2014 at the Griffith University, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue.
Queensland: Love, Pray, Eat
“Love, Pray, Eat” … the reverse order to Elizabeth Gilbert’s best seller … and the seventy people present at the Aspley Uniting Church on Sunday 29 June, the start of Ramadan, to hear from Glasgow-based Farkhanda Chaudry MBE, and Ghizala Avan of Interfaith Scotland and its affiliate Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, delighted in all three elements.
Queensland: Food and Faith Evening
Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will conduct an evening titled “Food & Faith”, and will explore the relationship between spirituality and faith, and the link with what we eat on July 22, 2014.
Qld: Exploring Ecospirituality
The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Australian Earth Laws Alliance will be hosting a one day workshop, which features presentations about ecocentrism and ecospirituality from Indigenous, Buddhist, Islamic, Pagan, Christian and secular points of view. The day also features open space and small group discussions.
QLD: New Domestic Violence Initiative across interfaith groups
The launch of the Queensland Eidfest Association initiative on Domestic Violence awareness within the Muslim and Sikh communities took place last Saturday during the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month at Griffith University’s Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue.>
New Mosque for Cairns
A SECOND mosque will be built in Cairns after the council gave the nod for a new worship centre in Bungalow.
Qld – 2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival
2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival
In collaboration with the Buddha’s Light International Association of QLD, the Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will be hosting a Multi-faith Forum at South Bank this coming Sunday 4th of May, 2014.
Muslim DNA
Alkauthar will offer a course on the essential character of being Muslim at Griffith University in May.