2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival
In collaboration with the Buddha’s Light International Association of QLD, the Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will be hosting a Multi-faith Forum at South Bank this coming Sunday 4th of May, 2014.
In collaboration with the Buddha’s Light International Association of QLD, the Griffith University Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will be hosting a Multi-faith Forum at South Bank this coming Sunday 4th of May, 2014.
The topic of the Multi-faith forum will be How has your faith transformed to cope with the modern change from globalisation?
Panel Members will be
- Facilitator Brian Kemp, Buddha’s Light International Assoc of QLD
- Ven Dr Jue Wei (Buddhism)
- Mrs Susan Handley (Baha’i)
- Mr Jason Hartley (Christian)
- Rabbi Don Levy (Jewish)
- Ms Linda Ward (Pagan Awareness Network)
A joint project organised by BLIAQ & Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University
What: 2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival Multifaith Forum
When: Sunday, 4 May, 3.30pm ~ 5.00pm
Where: Level 1, Room 1.39, Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University
More information: icd Griffith icd -at- griffith.edu.au>
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