Facing the Threat of the Global Climate Crisis Together

Faith symbols around the Earth

The Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN) held its first of three climate change webinars on Tuesday 29th November. It was a frank and powerful analysis of current regional experiences of escalating climate change. This paper is drawn from its many valuable contributions . This paper is the presentation by Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Ms Philippa Rowland to the China Committee on Religion and Peace 3rd International Seminar on Religions and Ecological Civilization, Beijing, 21 December 2022.

Climate change is upon us. The daunting reality is we are living through the predicted increased frequency and intensity of extreme events, as shown by growing regional evidence and experience of unprecedented wildfires, floods, cyclones, melting glaciers, volatile temperatures and rising sea levels.

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New eco-theology book combines diverse views with best practices

Contemporary Ecotheology, Climate Justice and Environmental Stewardship in World Religions

A new volume—“Contemporary ecotheology, climate justice and environmental stewardship in the world”—is the latest of the continued fruits of the 6th International Conference on Ecological theology and Environmental Ethics, or Ecothee, which took place in September 2019 at the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolymvari. This volume is available for full access and download.

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Care for Environment – Daoism

Dao Temple

Daoism has existed as a tradition in China for at least 2,500 years. It takes its name from the Dao or “The Way,” as described in the Dao De Jing, “The Classic of the Way and Its Power,” attributed to the legendary Laozi, which means simply “the Old Master.” This work of great depth and beauty is one of the most translated books in the world.

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TIME FOR LIVING THE CHANGE: Climate-Friendly Lives for People of Faith

Climate-Friendly Lives for People of Faith

Living the Change upholds two of our deepest convictions:

  • We believe the Earth is a sacred gift.
  • We believe each of us has the responsibility to live in a way that supports and sustains our common home.

While world leaders have agreed to keep global warming to a 1.5⁰C limit, current trends have us headed for at least twice that level and a truly devastating future. We urgently need a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible. Join people of faith creating climate-friendly lives.

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Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews – A Time to Act Together

Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and JewsThe Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews, a joint initiative of three peak bodies – the National Council of Churches in Australia, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry – was formed over twenty years ago in recognition of our common humanity and the values we commit to as Australians.

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Faith groups increasingly join fight against climate change

many faiths - one planet

For many faith leaders, preserving the environment is part of their mandate to care for communities most vulnerable to climate change. It’s a call that Pope Francis has made often, most broadly in a 2015 encyclical, “Laudato si’.” It has been echoed by imams, rabbis, patriarchs and pastors who share how their faith traditions interpreted the call.

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COP26 event urges partnership between religious, Indigenous leaders to save planet

COP26 side event ‘Making Peace with Nature.’

There can be no solution to the climate crisis that does not recognize the rights and spiritualities of Indigenous peoples, according to religious leaders who gathered for the official COP26 side event ‘Making Peace with Nature.’

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Global Day for Climate Action

Global Day for Climate Action

Global Day of Climate Action: (While this is not directly interfaith activity, it is spirituality: spirituality is that you take action). World leaders will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26. The COP26Coalition are organising decentralised mass mobilisations across the world, bringing together movements to build power for system change – from indigenous struggles to trade unions, from racial justice groups to youth strikers. Global Day of Climate Action is November 6. The People’s Summit for Climate Justice will take place from November 7-10.

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COP-26: Making Peace with Nature: Heeding the Call of Indigenous Peoples

Interfaith and Climate ChangeAt the COP 26 Climate Change Conference, Religions for Peace partnered with several organiations to present a side-event on listening to indigenous peoples, which is one of the articles of the Paris Agreement. “Making Peace with Nature: Heeding the Call of Indigenous Peoples” explores the role of #religious and #Indigenous leaders and how best to protect our planet, nature, and the climate. The Government of Norway will also be announcing its support for the next phase of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (@faiths4forests).

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Care for Environment – Sikhism

The Golden Temple - Amritsar

The Sikh religion was founded in the late 15th century in the Punjab by Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and takes its name from the word “sikh” meaning “disciple.” It is founded on faith in one Supreme Being and meditation on the divine Name with devotion, while living a householder life of virtue, honest work, and selfless service while seeking to establish justice in the world. As part of that justice in the world, EcoSikh has been active in the area of climate mitigation for more than a decade.

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