Halal Certified Medicine

Halal Certified Medicines Logo

According to the Halal Certified Medicine website HCM was developed to support Australian Muslims “in their endeavours to consume Halal only products by identifying which of their everyday products such as medicines, sporting and vitamin supplements are suitable for Muslims to purchase.”

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Opportunity to host asylum seekers

Human Rights Commission Australia

The Australian Human Rights Commission has been approached with a request to publicize an initiative of the Australian Homestay Network to provide short-term accommodation to asylum seekers who have been recently released from immigration detention.

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Multifaith Disability Inclusion

Uniting Church in Australia

The Uniting Church Disability Inclusion, people interested in issues of disability inclusion within multifaith settings, has presented a report on disability in multifaith settings.

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The Problem with Theologies of Inclusion

Gary Bouma

Theologies of inclusion tend to be feel good, ‘nice’ theologies and more importantly they promote social cohesion by providing a theological rationale for mutual respect, or at least tolerance of difference. However, there is more, writes Gary Bouma. What of an internal agenda of legitimisation?

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World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Celebration, Australia, 2012 World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths and beliefs. It seeks to do this by promoting their common basis of “Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or Love of the Good and … Read more