Halal Certified Medicine

Halal Certified Medicines Logo

According to the Halal Certified Medicine website HCM was developed to support Australian Muslims “in their endeavours to consume Halal only products by identifying which of their everyday products such as medicines, sporting and vitamin supplements are suitable for Muslims to purchase.”

“The new Halal Certified Medicine brand and logo has been launched and can be found on pharmaceutical products that have been checked and deemed as Halal.

Halal Certified Medicine does all the homework for Muslim consumers by ensuring no pork or alcohol products have been used in the entire process. When we know 100% that no prohibited ingredients have been used in a pharmaceutical product, we help the consumer easily recognise and identify it by placing a HCM logo sticker on the product.

Australian Muslims can now simply walk into selected pharmacies and purchase any Halal Certified Medicine labelled product and be assured that it is Halal.

Consumers can now knowingly consume medications that are permissible and compliant with the Sunnah. Medications that contain any form of non-halal gelatine, alcohol or pork products or do not comply with the recommended manufacturing process will not display the accredited HCM logo. This will help remove any confusion or queries as to whether the medicine is permissible to consume and will make life as a Muslim that much easier.”

Go to the Halal Certified Medicine website.

Source: Crescents Community News

Photo Credit: Halal Certified Medicine