How I Became an Accidental Interfaith Activist—and Learned to Love Disagreement


We bring you an article below from a respected print magazine which has been in circulation for over hundred years. The author, Amanda Quraishi, was a recent revert to Islam shortly before the ugly events of 9/11 and has since been involved in significant interfaith activity in her nation for many years. Recent events sullied her experience; however, Amanda Quraishi has found that discussion of conflict and topics that may lead to conflict can and do – more frequently – have positive outcomes.

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International: Partnership in “Ethics in Action” Initiative – Multireligious Collaboration for Moral Solutions to Global Challenges

religions for peace international

Vatican – Religions for Peace (RfP) partnered to co-launch a new initiative to develop a moral consensus around the great challenges related to sustainable and integral development, and to convert this consensus into concrete action.

Called Ethics in Action for Sustainable and Integral Development, the initiative entails a close and spirited partnership among the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the University of Notre Dame, and RfP.

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Report Warns of Global Rise of Religious ‘Hyper-Extremism’


Religious Fundamentalism—more lethal than ever before—is unleashing death, destruction, displacement and instability at unprecedented levels, according to a report out today.

The Religious Freedom in the World 2016 report, produced by international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, warns of the global impact of “a new phenomenon of religiously-motivated violence—‘Islamist hyper-extremism.’” The report points to the Islamic State (ISIS) as the prime example.

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Pope’s Message to Conference on Climate Change

lettresIt affects the whole of humanity, in particular the poorest and future generations, which represent the most vulnerable component of the worrying impact of climate change and calls for the grave ethical and moral responsibility to act without delay in the way that is most free from political and economic pressures, surmounting particularistic interests and behavior.’

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Interfaith leader joins the Queen for lunch

qe2The deputy director of the UK’s Council of Christians and Jews has joined the Queen and Prince Philip for an exclusive lunch at Buckingham Palace. Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko was one of just eight guests from all walks of life selected by the Royals to join the special event, where she gifted Her Majesty with artwork by Vetta Alexis. It depicts the traditional Jewish prayer recited on meeting a member of the Royal Family.

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Syria: “Our World Needs a Revolution Against Violence”

asyriaFather Jacques Mourad was prior of the Mar Elian monastery, a pilgrimage centre near the city of al-Qaryatayn that was briefly occupied by ISIS, which destroyed the monastery and kidnapped the monk in November 2015. He was held for five months, before he managed to escape. Now based in Europe, he spoke Oct. 17, 2016, with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church about the situation in Syria.

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Tasmania: October 2016

Tasmania Logo

TThe Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch gathering for October will be held on Sunday 9 October 2016 from 3.00-4.30pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. It is entitled ‘Promoting Equality and Respect: an interfaith collaboration on preventing family violence‘. An introductory presentation to the project will be given by Jill Shanti, who was a member of the Interfaith Working Group of the resource produced by the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network.

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