NSW: Public Display of Nazi Symbols Banned

Nazi symbol banned in NSW

A new law has passed in Parliament making it a criminal offence to knowingly display a Nazi symbol in public without reasonable excuse. The new offence, Crimes Amendment (Prohibition on Display of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2022, falls under the Crimes Act 1900.

The NSW government’s decision to criminalise the use of Nazi symbols echoes the Victorian government’s decision made at the end of June.

The offence carries a maximum penalty of 12 months imprisonment or an $11,000 fine, or both, for an individual. It carries a fine of $55,000 for a corporation.

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Josie Lacey honoured in NSW State Parliament

Josie Lacey honoured in NSW State ParliamentConvenor of the NSW Branch of Religions for Peace, Josie Lacey AM, has been honoured in the NSW parliament for her service to the community and to interfaith activities. NSW Labor frontbencher Walt Secord has hosted a special event at State Parliament where he addressed the parliament paying tribute to Jewish communal leader Josie Lacey.

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NSW: Interfaith Symposium – Faith, Social Cohesion and Community Resilience

Religions for Peace InternationalAffinity Intercultural Foundation and Macquarie University recently conducted an interfaith symposium “Faith, Social Cohesion and Community Resilience” addressing issues around faith communities and the experience of Covid-19. Moderator of the Asian Conference on Religions for Peace (and President, Religions for Peace Australia) Emeritus Professor Des Cahill gave one address to the symposium on the topic of COVID-19: Impact, Responses, Learnings and Ongoing Challenges for the World’s Faith Communities in Australia.

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10th anniversary of the NSW chapter of Religions for Peace

The NSW Branch of Religions for Peace Australia celebrates 10 years – a decade of holding its events and proceedings in the State Parliament. Talks are given by Hon. Walt Secord, Shadow Minister, and Peter Wertheim, co-Chief Executive Officer, Executive Council of Australian Jewry

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NSW to create religious advisory council as part of $28m multicultural funding boost

NSW Multicultural funding

A religious advisory council will be established as part of funding set aside for multicultural communities in the upcoming NSW state budget.

Minister for Multiculturalism Mark Coure said the initiative is not about conducting an “audit” of faith-based institutions, but “ensuring our religious communities feel safe”.

“This will ensure that our faith-based institutions will have a voice around the table,” he said while making the funding announcement in Sydney on Friday.

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NSW: International Day of Yoga Celebrations 2022

International Day of Yoga - United Nations LogoInternational Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide on 21 June of each year. Yoga is an ancient tradition which has many applications. Individuals practice yoga all over the world, and gain benefit the asana poses and excercises bestow. The United Nations proclaimed International Day of Yoga in 2014. This year Art of Living Sydney in collaboration with Consulate General of India celebrates the 8th International Day of Yoga on 25th June, 2022

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NSW: Ubiquitous Trees and Serpents – Early Buddhist Imagery of Southern India

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will take place in the month of June: the University of Sydney will host a lecture on the early Buddhist imagery of southern India. This will be both online and in-person.

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Push to liberate religious swasti in NSW from its ‘indoor prison’

Unlike the symbol on the Nazi flag, the Hindu swasti  commonly features four dots.
Unlike the symbol on the Nazi flag, the Hindu swasti commonly features four dots.

Surinder Jain has a dream: to normalise the swasti in Australia.

Not the hate symbol that featured on the Nazi flag and is still waved by far-right racists today. Jain is referring to the ancient icon that plays a central role in the religious practice of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Surinder Jain, national vice president of the Hindu Council of Australia, has joined forces with NSW Jewish Board of Deputies chief executive Darren Bark to promote awareness of the sacred swasti.

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Sydney to get a war memorial honouring efforts of Sikh soldiers in Australia’s military history

Sikh War Memorial

Sydney’s Blacktown City Council has approved the establishment of a war memorial commemorating the contributions and sacrifices made by the Sikh soldiers in epochal moments of military history, including World War I & II, Gallipoli, and Saragarhi.

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