The Ninth Patristic Symposium will take place at St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College from 2-3 September 2022. The theme of the Symposium is ‘Saint Maximus the Confessor: 7th Century Christianity: Theology and History‘.
This year’s patristic symposium will therefore honour the life, times and works of this great Father of the Church, both for this unwavering commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and for his contributions to theology, which were utilised by the Sixth Ecumenical Council (AD 680-81) and elaborated upon by later Church Fathers including Saints Symeon the New Theologian and Gregory Palamas. Thus, standing within patristic tradition, St Maximus remains one of its greatest interpreters.
The symposium will showcase presentations from the different disciplines of Christian theology interested in further reflecting on this central figure of the early Church, irrespective of their field of expertise, academic affiliation or denominational background. Indeed, it is hoped that this cross-disciplinary approach (whether this be, systematic theology, patristics, ethics, biblical studies, church history, liturgics etc.) will contribute by casting further light—indeed a more enriching and holistic perspective—on this most prominent father of the early Church.
Event Details
Symposia: St Maximus the Confessor within 7th Century Christianity: Theology and History
When: Friday 2 – Saturday 3 September 2022
Where: St Andrew’s College Campus – 242 Cleveland St, Redfern NSW
Registration: Forms are available on the 9th Patristic Symposium website page – download and mail your registration to St Andrew’s, or simply email the document to
Convenors: Professor Jim Harrison and Associate Professor Philip Kariatlis
More details: including Keynote speakers can be found on the College website here
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