NSW: Interfaith gathering builds harmony

nswwomenMaha Abdo OAM, head of the Muslim Women’s association and human rights and social justice advocate, gave a moving keynote speech about interfaith dialogue and engaging heart to heart in dialogue with each other. Maha asked guests to reflect on what is in their heart in the final days of Ramadan and their purpose of “being here tonight breaking their fast” at the annual Uniting Church Synod of NSW and the ACT and Affinity Intercultural Foundation joint Iftar Dinner

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NSW: Uniting Church expresses support for Newcastle Mosque

newcastleThe Hunter Presbytery of the Uniting Church in Australia as well as individual congregations and church members, have written letters in support of plans for a new mosque in Newcastle. The long-held trust and friendship between the region’s Christian and Muslim communities has provided a point of difference to anti-Islamic rhetoric surrounding the proposal. Read the letter from Hunter Presbytery to Cessnock Council in support of the mosque application.

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Prime Minister holds national Iftar in Sydney

amustPrime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hosted a Ramadan Iftar on Thursday evening 16 June at Kirribilli House, Sydney, a first by an Australian Prime Minister. The invited guests included Muslim leaders and young activists from all states as well as interfaith representatives from Sydney. Mr Turnbull greeted Muslims saying, “I am honoured to be the first Australian Prime Minister to host an Iftar during the holy month of Ramadan. To the approximately five hundred thousand Muslim Australians across our country and to more than one and half billion Muslims around the world, Ramadan Kareem.”

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Prime Minister and NSW Premier attend Orlando Memorial Service

orlando1Leaders have attended what the Prime Minister called a ‘loving’ commemoration service for victims of the Orlando massacre. Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy took time out from the election trail while Premier Baird, the NSW Governor David Hurley and the American Consul General, Hugo Llorens sat in the front row during the service led by the Dean of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel. Opposition leader Bill Shorten was represented by Senator Doug Cameron.

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NSW: Iftar Dinner at Cathedral House

togetherThe Archbishop was pleased to welcome more than 70 guests including the Grand Mufti of Australia and President of the Council of Imams, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed as well as many religious leaders and representatives.

You are always welcome in my house!” the Archbishop expressed to his guests who represented faith traditions including the Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist communities as well as other Christian churches such as the Orthodox, Uniting and Lutheran.

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Religions for Peace (RfP) NSW Meeting

Meeting of Religions for Peace (RfP) NSW today at Parliament House. LtoR : Robert Grant ( Hindu) Dr Judith Lacey (speaker) emeritus Professor Raja Jamaran (Hindu Council) Venus Khalessi,( Baha’i) Mohini Gunesekara( Buddhist) Lorraine Murphy (Christian , ) Caroline Haski (Jewish) Rev David Gill (UCA) Fr Patrick McInerney ( Christian ) Vijay Singal (Hindu) Front … Read more

NSW: APRO Youth Panel

Youth Panel at APRO, NSW 17 November 2015, Parliament House Sydney, The topic “Building Community” is always important but is very timely at the moment. A Youth Panel was part of the Building Community day.

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