NSW: Pre-Chanukah celebration at Parliament House

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies was delighted to attend the Pre-Chanukah celebration at Parliament House, hosted by the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, Minister for Multiculturalism and Multiculturalism NSW.

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies was delighted to attend the Pre-Chanukah celebration at Parliament House, hosted by the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, Minister for Multiculturalism and Multiculturalism NSW. During this gathering, Rabbi Dr Ben Elton of the Great Synagogue of Sydney gave one invocation:

Invocation at the NSW Parliament Pre-Channukah Gathering 5776 Rabbi Dr Benjamin Elton, The Great Synagogue Ribono shel olam:

Almighty God. We are gathered here with the leaders of New South Wales to mark and celebrate the forthcoming days of Channukah, the Festival of Light.

We pray that You cast the light of Your countenance on the leaders of our nation and this State. Guide their counsels so that they may act with wisdom and goodness and bring prosperity to those whom they represent.

Bestow understanding upon those of every faith and none in our country, so that we may end hatred and mistrust and come together in fellowship based only on our common humanity.

Strengthen the Jewish community of New South Wales and Australia, help us to grow in our faith and its practice, and in our support for one another.

Bless all the peoples of Australia, aboriginal and non-aboriginal.

Enable us to live in harmony, so that each achieves their full potential and may contribute to the common good. Shelter the Australian Armed Forces; protect and defend them as they uphold peace and freedom throughout the world. Remember the State of Israel and grant tranquillity and security to all of its inhabitants.

Grant perfect rest to victims of terror everywhere, healing and comfort to the survivors.

Speedily, and in our days, may the world be filled with Your light, of truth, righteousness and justice. Kein Yehi Ratson: May this be Your will, and let us say, Amen.

At the Pre Chanukah event:

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Wilma Viswanathan , Leader of the Opposition Hon Luke Foley, Justice Stephen Rothman , The Hon Walt Secord, Shadow Minister for Health ( and parliamentary Host to RfP) and Josie Lacey.

The Hon. John Ajaka MLC, Jeremy Spinak, President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and Premier of NSW, the Hon Mike Baird.