Victoria: Molly Hadfield Social Justice Oration

March the 8th is a global day of recognition and celebration of women’s social, political, cultural and economic achievements. It is also a day that invites reflection and action to combat gender-based discrimination and violence. The Molly Hadfield Social Justice Oration is a free annual oration delivered by a distinguished female guest speaker.

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Victoria: Interfaith Lecture at Monash University

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Religions for Peace Victoria and Monash Chaplaincy will present a public talk in observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on Thursday 12th February 2015. Associate Professor Nasir Butrous will speak on the topic: Ethnicity, Religions and Harmony: Exploring Christian Muslim Relations in Iraq Today

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Victoria: Listening to the Land – Tea Tree Creek, Flinders

Logo, Mornington Peninusla Interfaith Network

‘Listening to the Land’ is an initiative of the Mornington Peninsula Interfaith Network to bring people from all religious and spiritual backgrounds together to connect, or reconnect with the Land and be moved to care for it. Listening to the Land Summer Walk will be at Tea Tree Creek in Flinders, on Sunday 22nd February 2015

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World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week

On October 20, 2010, World Interfaith Harmony Week was unanimously adopted by the United Nations as the first week of February, set aside each year for interreligious observances, the study of sacred texts, prayer breakfasts, interfaith celebrations of poetry, music and art, meditation groups, and afternoons of community service.

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Victoria: Public Lecture, World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Religions for Peace Victoria and Monash Chaplaincy will present a public talk in observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on Thursday 12th February 2015. Associate Professor Nasir Butrous will speak on the topic: Ethnicity, Religions and Harmony: Exploring Christian Muslim Relations in Iraq Today

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Victoria: Council of Christians and Jews

The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) invite you to the first event for 2015. The Luncheon Club presents Rabbi Dr Raymond Apple who will introduce his forthcoming book: “New Testament People: Cast and Characters

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Melbourne: Taize Young Adult Pilgrimage

The Taize Community are conducting a three year pilgrimage around the world, a pilgrimage of Solidarity. Brothers from Taize will visit Australia and New Zealand. They will visit Melbourne on Saturday, 7 February. Young people are invited to attend.

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