Victoria: The Fall and Original Sin:

Council of Christians and Jews (Vic)

The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) presents: The Fall and Original Sin: Two diverse Christian viewpoints and a Jewish Commentary on Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) presents: The Fall and Original Sin: Two diverse Christian viewpoints and a Jewish Commentary on Sunday, 1 March 2015

The doctrine of The Fall is based on the traditional Christian understanding in Genesis 3 of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Their punishment was expulsion from Paradise with the imposition of hard labour on Adam and the pain of childbirth on Eve. The consequences of their sin affects all humankind thereafter. All are infected by Adam’s sin. That sin is transmitted by sexual intercourse. All are born in sin; all are sinners by nature from birth. That is what is known as Original Sin.


  • Rev Lorraine Parkinson is an ordained Minister of the Uniting Church in Australia. Lorraine also conducts seminars Australia?wide on the Teachings of Jesus, the Problem of Evil (in a world created by a good God), and Christian?Jewish relations. She is chair of the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania’s Working Group on Christian?Jewish relations Her doctoral studies in Jerusalem focussed on the historical Jesus and the Elijah tradition. Lorraine is married to the Rev Dr John Bodycomb.
  • Rev Mark Tuffin is an ordained minister of the Lutheran Church of Australia. He is currently serving as chaplain at Luther College in Croydon, Victoria. Mark has an undergraduate Master’s degree from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary in Minnesota, USA. He was ordained in 1993 and has served congregations in Brisbane and South Australia before taking up chaplaincy work in Victoria three years ago.
  • Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant is President of the Organisation of Rabbis Australasia (ORA), Immediate Past President of Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV), and a member of the Victoria Police Multi?Faith Advisory Council. He has been serving as Rabbi of Jewish Care (and formerly at Montefiore Homes for the Aged) since 1988. He was born and educated in Melbourne and studied in Rabbinical Colleges in Israel and the USA.

What: The Fall and Original Sin

When: Sunday, 1 March 2015 Time: 3.00 pm

Where: St Dominic’s Primary School, 145 Highfield Road, Camberwell, Victoria

Admission: $10

RSVP: 9429 5212 or email

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