Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Justice and Forgiveness

Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Justice and Forgiveness is a 2012 American documentary film about restorative justice and forgiveness. It is directed by Roger Spottiswoode and Lekha Singh and produced by Lekha Singh and Rebecca Chaiklin. The film depicts victims and perpetrators of the Rwandan Genocide, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and The Troubles in Northern Ireland. There will be a free screening of this film at the Nova Cinema, Carlton, on Saturday 21 March 2015.

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Peace in Australia: The Untold Story

The second of a series of four forums held by the Anzac Centenary Peace Coalition to explore our shared history and relate the efforts of Australians to create peaceful alternatives. Featuring Australian historians Professor Joy Damousi, Dr Val Noone and Professor Bruce Scates. This event also includes the Launch of the Australian Living Peace Museum.

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Baany to Warrna Ngargee – Water to Water Festival

The Baany to Warrna Ngargee – Water to Water Festival includes Traditional Pitjantjatjara man, Frank Yamma, and takes place on 21 March on Boon Wurrung country at the Briars Park, Mt Martha. This coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Day.

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Victoria: Freedom of speech, responsibilities and respect

In celebration of Cultural Diversity Week 2015, the City of Darebin will host an Intefaith Breakfast. The topic of the event will be “Freedom of speech, responsibilities and respect – Where are the lines drawn?” The guest speaker will be Tanja Kovac, a prominent lawyer involved in the MV Tampa case.

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Ethnicity, Religions and Harmony: Exploring Christian Muslim Relations in Iraq Today

Ethnicity, Religions and Harmony: Exploring Christian Muslim Relations in Iraq Today

World Interfaith Harmony Week In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, Monash University Chaplaincy and Religions for Peace Victoria Branch hosted a public event at Monash University on Thursday, 12 February 2015. Guest Speaker Associate Professor Nasir Butrous gave an address on Ethnicity, Religions and Harmony: Exploring Christian Muslim Relations in Iraq Today.

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Victoria: Intergenerational Interfaith Seder

Every year the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (Vic) runs a Model Passover/Pesach Seder for women of different faiths. Explanations are given about the traditions and customs of this eight-day festival which commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. This year, the event will occur on Sunday 22 March 2015 in Caulfield.

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