Victoria: Manningham Harmony Day Celebration

Manninghan Interfaith Network would like to invite you to a celebration of Harmony Day 2015, at Manningham Civic Centre on Thursday, 19 March at 7:00PM

Harmony Day is an annual celebration of our cultural diversity and is all about inclusiveness, mutual respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. The event is run by the Manningham Interfaith Network whose mission is to foster greater peace and harmony in our community. The evening will involve celebratory performances by local Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish,Muslim and Sikh communities and school children from Manningham. Everyone is welcome and join in a fabulous community event which you are sure to enjoy and learn more about fellow faiths. Bookings are important.

What: Interfaith Celebration, Harmony Day 2015

When: Thursday 19 March 2015 Time: 7pm to 9pm

Where: Manningham Civic Centre, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

Cost: Free

RSVP: Dot Haynes 0425 718 937 or email