Victoria: Self-realisation in Rumi's psychology

Self-realisation in Rumi’s psychology: Journey of transformation from ego self to reunion with the Divine is a talk given by Hamid Homayouni to the Transpersonal Psychology Interest Group at Nortchote Town Hall on Wednesday, 25 March.

This presentation will be an introduction to Rumi’s transpersonal psychology expressed through his life and works. A thirteenth century Sufi master; Rumi offers an inexhaustible ocean of wisdom at spiritual, mental and practical levels. According to Erich Fromm: “Rumi the mystic, poet, the ecstatic dancer, was one of the great lovers of life, and this love of life pervades every line he wrote, every poem he made, every one of his actions …he was also a man of profound insight into the nature of man. He discussed the nature of the instincts, the power of reason over the instincts, the nature of the self, of consciousness, the unconscious, and cosmic consciousness; he discussed the problems of freedom, of certainty, of authority. In all these areas, Rumi has a great deal to say which is important to those concerned with the nature of man.”

Sufi psychology views the human being as “embodied spirit” (or soul) whose essential nature is love, wisdom and joy. We are separated from and forgetful of our essential nature because of the inevitable development of our ego-self (nafs). Self-realisation, then is the art of successive rebirths through which the ego-self is transmuted in various inward stages culminating in its annihilation into the soul and ultimately reunion with the Divine. It can be described as “individuality in non-individuality” or as the Sufis; and mystic Christians; say “To be in the world, but not of the world”.

What: Self-realisation in Rumi’s psychology: Journey of transformation from ego self to reunion with the Divine

When: Wednesday, 25th March, 2015   Time: 7:30pm – 9pm

Where: Northcote Town Hall, 189 High Street Northcote

Cost: TPIG members $10, non-TPIG members $15, students $5 (cash only)