I'm a Muslim get me out of here!

On Saturday, June 13 the Islamic Centre of Victoria played host to a media panel discussion and Q&A. The event was moderated by head of media and communications at the Islamic Centre of Victoria Kuranda Seyit. We bring you one participant’s point of view about Islam and the Media.

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Victoria: Public Lecture – 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate

During 2015, This year the Catholic Church marks the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, a document of the Second Vatican Council which significantly changed and developed the nature of the Catholic Church’s engagement with other religions and particularly with Judaism. The Sisters of Our Lady of Sion will conduct a Public Lecture to be delivered by Dr Didier Pollyfeyt at Box Hill on Wednesday, 22 July 2015.

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Victoria: Friendship Gathering

Yarra Interfaith Network will hold a afternoon social get-together for the friends and supporters of the Yarra Interfaith Network. The afternoon will be a relaxed catch-up with friends and members of the Yarra Interfaith Network.

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Victoria: Listening to the Land (Autumn Walk):

Logo, Mornington Peninusla Interfaith Network Listening to the Land is an initiative of the Mornington Peninsula Interfaith Network, seeking to bring people from different faith and cultural backgrounds together to connect or reconnect with the Land and to be moved to care for the Land. The Autumn Walk will take place on 23 May at Greens Bush Main Ridge.

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