Victoria: Interfaith Retreat offered by Mela Association

The Mela Interfaith Association will conduct an Interfaith Retreat at the Janssen Centre in Boronia, on the weekend of 25-16 July, 2015.

The Mela Interfaith Association (of Warburton, Victoria, offers an Interfaith Retreat at the Janssen Cntre, 22 Woodvale Road, Boronia on the weekend of 25-26 July. The retreat is live-in with an option of live out. The theme of the retreat is Transcendence and Immanence.

The retreat will be a combination of mediations and conversations on the theme of transcendence and immanence. The aime is to explore and deepen the understanding of this teme from multiple spiritual persepectives, both theistic and non-theistic. It is hoped that participants will have sufficient knowledge and experience of their own tradiatiojns to contribute and participate actively.

A pioneer in interreligious spirituality, Abhishiktananda writes:

God is truly transcendent, the Holy One of Hebrew tradition, the kevalin of India’s sages. All that exists manifest him and he is present in all things. Yet nothing can exhaust his being or contain him. He encompasses all thigns and pervades all things with his holiness; and yet he rmains apart, being Lord of all and forever free from any bond. No one indeed can know his immanence, if he has not first realised his transcendence.

We are targeting a group of 8 to 10 people from various spiritual traditions. As such, the application process needs to be selective to achieve the numbers and mix of people to foster inter-spiritual dialogue and sharing.


Application: please apply by emailing one of the following: Herman Roborgh – (0401 347 514) or Tom Thomas – (0413 816 815)

To assist with selection, please provide the following information about yourself:

  • Spiritual, religious or philosophical background or orientation
  • Interest in interfaith dialogue or spirituality
  • Any particular interest with the retreat theme
  • What you expect to get out of this retreat
  • Applications close 5 July and applicants will be notified by 12 July 2015.

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