Tasmania: January 2018

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Greetings of peace!

Many good wishes for a peaceful, happy and successful new year in 2018!

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week will occur in the first week of February 2018. As part of honouring the week, Religions for Peace Tas and the Multicultural Council of Tasmania have combined resources to bring a young couple from Melbourne to share their experience and their expertise with us. Nivy Balachandran, Regional Coordinator of United Religions Initiative and Executive Member of Religions for Peace Australia, is a recognised young leader of interfaith and intercultural affairs and works in the area of conflict transformation and cross cultural communication. She will be joined by her husband, Tal Meretz. Nivy belongs to the Hindu faith and her husband is from the Jewish faith tradition.

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Tasmania, October 2017

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In October, members of Religions for Peace Tas are invited to join the Australian Walk Together event: https://www.walktogether.com.au/     In Hobart, Walk Together will be held at Parliament House lawns at 11am on Saturday 21 October 2017. We will meet at the venue.

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Tasmania, September 2017

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Greetings of peace! Many good wishes for this special month of September in which there are many significant Religious festivals. It is also the month of UN International Day of Peace on 21 September, the same day as Rosh HasHannah, the Jewish New Year and Navaratri, the Hindu festival to honour the feminine Divine.  

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Tasmania, June 2017

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Greetings of peace! This weekend the Annual General Meeting for Religions for Peace Australia is being held in Canberra and we send thoughts of blessing and empowerment to those involved and for their dialogue and deliberations. In June, Religions for Peace Tas will not so much have an event as an activity.  On Monday 5 June, today, UN World Environment Day is celebrated and on Thursday 8 June, UN World Oceans Day is the celebration.

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Tasmania, May 2017

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Greetings of peace! Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch are collaborating with three interfaith organisations during May: the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, the Symphony of Peace Prayers and Recognise. Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch together with Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre in Hobart are hosting the ARRCC AGM as the Tasmanian hub of the national meeting.  The gathering will be held on Thursday 11 May. 

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Tasmania: March/April 2017

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Greetings of peace! In April, the Religions for Peace gathering will be a Silence meditation to honour Earth Day Saturday 22 April 2017 3.00-4.00pm at Kris’ property 94 Morphetts Rd, Neika.  Come and join us and people from the other 192 countries around the world in sending vibrations of peace and healing to the Earth and all living creatures.   

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Tasmania, February 2017

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Greetings of peace! At the moment we are celebrating UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, at a time when we are facing many challenges to the Interfaith movement.  As you will see from the items in this newsletter, however, there is great enthusiasm to meet those challenges. Our gathering for February will be in collaboration with the Multicultural Council of Tasmania on the evening of 23 February 2017. 

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Tasmania: November 2016

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Greetings of peace and many congratulations for a happy Diwali!

The Religions for Peace Tas branch gathering for this month will be held on Saturday 19 November 2016 from 10am-4.00pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. Rev John Carroll, Secretary of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change at the headquarters in Sydney, will facilitate a workshop entitled Spirituality and Climate Activism.

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Tasmania: October 2016

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TThe Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch gathering for October will be held on Sunday 9 October 2016 from 3.00-4.30pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. It is entitled ‘Promoting Equality and Respect: an interfaith collaboration on preventing family violence‘. An introductory presentation to the project will be given by Jill Shanti, who was a member of the Interfaith Working Group of the resource produced by the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network.

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