Multifaith – Interfaith Australia: An Audit of Activities

wc-logoReligions for Peace Australia – through the offices of the National Secretary, Dr. Susan Ennis and oversight from the Chair, Professor Emeritus Desmond Cahill, has conducted an audit of mulitfaith and interfaith activity in each state along with the National Capital. The Audit results find skewed activities and significant variations in support of multifaith and interfaith activity. An overview of the report is given, and the document is available for reading.

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WA’s deputy police commissioner praises Muslim leaders for unity

Deputy Police Commissioner Stephen Brown says he does not need to call for more action from WA’s Muslim leaders because he knows how hard they are working to keep the community safe. Mr Brown joined imams from across Perth this week to call for unity in the fight against terrorism and to reveal the depth of the working relationship between WA Police and the Muslim community.

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PM wants Muslim leaders to do more to prevent terrorism, but what more can they do?

The Prime Minister has said that religious leaders – of all congregations – and all faiths, are responsible for the conduct of members of their faith community. In this article, Prof. Greg Barton – who often addresses interfaith groups – highlights an issue with the Prime Minister’s so-called proclamation of responsibility for faith leaders.

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Tasmania, November 2018

Hobart will celebrate Diwali (Deepavali) on Friday 9 November from 4:00pm – 9:00pm at Franklin Square. Diwali is a festival of victory of light over darkness; it is observed in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the Sikh religion. The word ‘Deepavali’ literally means ‘rows of lamps’. The lamp is not merely the symbol of knowledge of Truth, but also of the one Spirit that shines in all.

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Victoria: Stranger Things: Australian Teens claim ‘no religion’, but report a diversity of spiritualities

The Australian Intercultural Society will host Prof. Gary Bouma who will give an overview of Generation Z and their religious diversity, St Kilda Road, Melbourne on Tuesday 13 November 2018 commencing 12.00pm

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The Sydney Jewish community’s vigil for the victims and survivors of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

Last night, hundreds gathered at The Great Synagogue to pay their respects to the victims and survivors of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, co-hosted by the ECAJ, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Emanuel Synagogue, and The Great Synagogue.

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