South Australia: November – December 2020

Multifaith Association of South Australia

The Multifaith Association of South Australia lists interfaith events, climate events and faith festivals happening both locally in South Australia, and nationally, with internet participation – for the month of November 2020. For December 2020. Hope’s Cafe event Connecting across Cultures is attached, along with the screening of the 2040 Film and the conjunct Living the Change session.

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Victoria, Tasmania: Living the Change

Join us to celebrate LIVING THE CHANGE on Sunday 6 December 2020 where we will be working together towards creating a flourishing world for all. We gather as members of diverse faith communities and those who care for our planet to share our stories of change, transformation, and regeneration. Living the Change is brought to you by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Religions for Peace Australia, Cultural Infusion and United Religions Initiative.

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Tasmania – November 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace and many blessings for the beautiful festival of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which is today, 14 November 20!  As the victory of light over darkness, it remembers not that darkness was destroyed, but that it was subsumed back into divinity. For many it is the start of the Hindu New Year.

We would also like to honour the memory of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, a moral and intellectual giant and member of the Jewish faith.  A brief obituary which came from JCCV is included. We hope that all of you, your families and communities continue to be safe and well as the year comes to peaceful close!

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South Australia: November 2020

Multifaith Association of South Australia

The Multifaith Association of South Australia lists interfaith events, climate events and faith festivals happening both locally in South Australia, and nationally, with internet participation – for the month of November 2020.

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Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships

Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family RelationshipsViolence against women (and violence in families) has multiplied during the times of lockdown with people confronted with heretofore unseen and unknowmn stresses on their income, their relationships – even their meaning and purpose. The Faith Communities Council of Victoria will assemble and expert panel to discuss – and answer your questions – during an online session on Wednesday, 25t November 2020.

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Victoria: Faith Communities in Pandemic Times

Faith Communities in Pandemic TimesWhat challenges are faith communities facing during the COVID19 pandemic, and what important role can they play in this difficult time? What is the end strategy for the COVID 19 pandemic? What is the likelihood of an ‘ethical’ vaccine and how will it be administered? Find out more at the Faith Communities Victoria online session on Sunday, 15 November 2020.

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NSW Ecumenical Council – Interfaith Commission Report

NSW Ecumenical Council logoThe NSW Ecumenical Council gives report on its activities, and in particular, the activities of its Interfaith Commission over the past 12 months. The NSW Ecumenical Council welcomes the NSW Government in easing the restrictions for more congregants to attend their local church and faith communities. Some interfaith activities were held face to face, others were conducted digitally.

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Queensland: Catholics and Jews in Conversation

Catholic-Jewish dialogue Brisbane

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and The Executive Council of Australian Jewry held their 22nd Annual Conversation this week, on the subject of “How Does Our Faith Tradition Speak into the Current Pandemic and How Do We Draw on the Richness of our Respective Traditions

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Victoria Police says it won’t investigate Vatican wire transfer claims

Cardinal George PellVictoria Police says there is no evidence to warrant an investigation into allegations that Vatican funds were used in an attempt to secure the conviction of Cardinal George Pell. Italian newspapers La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera earlier this month claimed a rival of Pell’s, former cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, was suspected of arranging for €700,000 ($1.1 million) to be transferred to people in Australia to support the prosecution of child sex abuse charges against Pell.

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Buddhist volunteers feeding Melbourne’s worst affected determined to see out the pandemic

Quang Minh Buddhist TempleSince the second wave of coronavirus infections began in Victoria, volunteers from the Quang Minh Buddhist Temple have provided nearly 900 vegan meals to people in the Melbourne suburbs of Footscray and Braybrook. They’re now determined to see out the pandemic.

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