Canberra: Interfaith Youth Gathering

Canberra Interfaith Forum

The Canberra Interfaith Forum will be hosting an Interfaith Youth Gathering on Sunday 6th December from 11am to 2pm at the Bahai Centre in Weston (18 Hickey Court). The theme of the gathering is ‘Service to Humanity’.

The Canberra Interfaith Forum will be hosting an Interfaith Youth Gathering on Sunday 6th December from 11am to 2pm at the Bahai Centre in Weston (18 Hickey Court).

The event is an opportunity for young people of different faiths and cultures to come together and share their ideas towards contributing to a better world. 

It is supported by the ACT government as part of ACT Youth Week to celebrate, have fun and highlight the positive contributions young people make to the community. 

Registration is required by 25th Nov via the Canberra Interfaith Youth Facebook page. 

Due Covid 19 requirements, participants need to register online via the Google form at

This event will be held outdoors in line with ACT’s COVID-19 guidelines. 

Please share this with the youth in your community. Feel free to share this link to the Interfaith Youth Facebook event page


Interfaith Youth Forum Canberra


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