Living the Change is a multi-faith sustainable living initiative designed to support and celebrate people of faith making personal behaviour changes in three areas — transportation, home energy use, and diet — which all have a high impact on climate change. The initiative is led by a diverse religious and spiritual leaders working together with scientific experts in sustainable consumption practices. In Australia, the Global Week of Living the Change will be celebrated in Brisbane, Sydney, NSW South Coast, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide.
The Australian chapter of a new and ambitious global campaign, “Living the Change, was launched on May 3 at a national gathering of the multi-faith Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC). With a byline, “faithful choices for a flourishing world”, this is a fresh faith-led initiative which aims to champion the role of more sustainable lifestyles in protecting the earth from global warming.
When / how did Living the Change begin?
Living the Change launched in November 2017 during COP23 (the 23rd annual United Nations Climate Change Conference), when distinguished faith leaders, clergy, scholars, climate advocates, and community members published and delivered the Interfaith Statement “Walk on Earth Gently”:
Why focus on sustainable behaviour change?
We are not on the road to a safe, stable climate. Our current trajectory leads to a future where hundreds of millions of people will be displaced, impoverished, and deprived of a decent life. Political action still matters urgently. It always will.
But in order to meet the Paris Agreement goals, we now need a broader array of responses. Focusing on sustainable lifestyles presents three crucial opportunities here:
- Sustainable behaviour change, at scale, represents an important contribution to reduce CO2 emissions.
- Research demonstrates that people who live sustainably are more credible climate spokespeople. Leading by example makes us more effective change agents.
- Personal action, at scale, accelerates and ensures cultural and political change.
For all these reasons, the personal choices that individual people make truly matter. This is why we are inviting people of faith and spirit to make a pledge to live more sustainably, and help ensure a 1.5C future.
What does faith have to do with sustainable living?
As people of faith, we believe the Earth is sacred. We also believe that each of us has the responsibility to live in a way that sustains our common home for all living beings to not only survive, but also to thrive, now and for generations to come. The Earth is literally the common ground we all share. By living more sustainably, we are embodying our values and Living the Change!
What is the “Time for Living the Change”?
A good celebration requires good timing! “Time for Living the Change” will be our initiative’s first ever period of globally-connected celebration, marked by dozens of local events in faith communities around the world. It will begin between 7-14 October with the Week of Living the Change, which will coincide with the release of the next Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This much-anticipated IPCC Report will provide important information about the current status of climate change, as well as what the future might hold if our governments, businesses, and communities do not start implementing real climate solutions.
During this time in particular, we believe it is important to showcase the incredible beauty and power of the many individuals and communities who are already part of the solution. This is why October – November 2018 will be Time for Living the Change!
All are invited to celebrate our shared Time for Living the Change. Please join as we:
- Align ourselves with our deepest faith values
- Allow a future for all and take care of the Earth our home
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and natural resource waste
- Improve the impact of our own lives on our shared planet, as well as all the people and living beings with whom we share it
- Send a strong message to others in our communities and to decision-makers in business and government
To learn about Living the Change events in each state, please go here:
To listen to Australians speaking about Living the Change, you can view several videos on this page: