Religions for Peace and the Standing Commission on Interreligious Education are proud to launch our latest publication, Faithful Peace: Why the Journey to Build Resilience is Multi-Religious.
With Christian, Hindu, Indigenous, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh theologies, perspectives, and insights, this brilliant and enlightening piece of work explores the importance of multi-religious engagement and why this effort to bring people of all faiths and traditions together, can and does create a more peaceful world.
Prof. Azza Karam, Secretary General and Editor-in-Chief, as well as Programme Officer of Partnerships and Interreligious Education, Dr. Karen Leslie Hernandez and Editor of this publication, invite you to read, learn, think, and thrive in these multi-religious viewpoints from eight Interreligious Education Standing Commission members including – Dr. Pritpal Kaur Ahluwalia, Dr. Luigi De Salvia, Ms. Pascale Frémond, Dr. Johannes Läehnemann, Dr. Anantanand Rambachan, Dr. Lilian J. Sison, Dr. Nayla Tabbara, and Rabbi Dr. Burton Visotzky.