Dr Adis Duderija is a is Lecturer in the Study of Islam and Society in the School of Languages and Social Science, Griffith University. He was in Christchurch two weeks before the shootings at the al-noor mosque and the Lynwood mosque. He he writes on dismantling supremacist ideologies after the Christchurch massacre.
Christchurch massacre
New Zealand: Victim Impact Statement
The New Zealand Ministry of Justice has approached the Interfaith networks of New Zealand seeking victim impact statements for the March 15 attacks at the two mosques in Christchurch. The MoJ has decided to expand the scope of the ‘Victims’ to not only include the Muslim community who were most directly affected, but also all faith communities in Christchurch as well as New Zealand as they acknowledge that all faith groups have been made victims in one way or another through these events. The Canterbury Interfaith Society will act to draw related statements together on behalf of faith communities.
Geelong Interfaith Memorial Service For The Victims Of The Christchurch Terror Attack
The City of Greater Geelong, the Geelong Interfaith Network and the Islamic Society of Geelong invite you to the Memorial Service for the victims of the terror attack at the Christchurch mosques, New Zealand on 15 March, 2019.