Joint Journey to Jerusalem

Rabbi Adam Stein (Kehilat Nitzan Synagogue), Rev. Dr John Dupuche (Catholic Priest, Ricketts Point), and Sheikh Riad Galil OAM (West Heidelberg Mosque) plan to lead a group on a ‘Joint Journey’ to Jerusalem next year.

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ACRP Malang Meeting

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The Asian Conference of Religions for Peace met at the Muhammadiyah University in Malang in East Java on 7th – 10th June, 2013. The Malang Statement is the fruit of this meeting.

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International Day of Peace in Perth

Love, Peace and Harmony in Perth

Des Cahill in Perth

Many faith groups celebrated the UN observance of the International Day of Peace on Sunday 22 September at the Palms Community Centre in Subiaco. There was a significant turn out in the order of over 100 people; with great diversity across many religions, political standpoints, ethnic origins and age groups

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Unity in Diversity Symposium

Unity in Diversity Symposium

The Multifaith Association of South Australia will conduct the 4th Interfaith Symposium. The topic of this year is “Unity in diversity” which will discuss about the future of Faiths in a globalised world.

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