Faith and Water: Thinking, Acting, and Living for a Healthy Future

The cycle of life is intricately linked to water. From our first nine months swimming in a womb to our ashes being immersed in a sacred river or scattered across the ocean, from the essential nectar we drink to that which turns apple seeds into apple trees, water is an integral part of our very existence. However, unlike oxygen, which silently, invisibly, maintains the breath in our lungs and the beating of our heart, water is a visible, tangible presence and one with which we interact – directly and indirectly – throughout the minutes of our day and the days of our lives.

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Conference of European Churches “Differences of religion do not separate us, but rather enrich us in many areas of life.”

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) and Cumberland Lodge conducted a conference titled “Towards Peaceful co-existence in the Middle East: challenges and opportunities.” Co-hosted by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the gathering drew participants from a broad range of Middle Eastern and European churches. A central issue was how states treat people of different religious affiliation.

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Celebrity Brazilian healer ‘John of God,’ once featured by Oprah, surrenders on sexual abuse charges

Abadiânia, Brazil: The police arrested psychic João Teixeira de Faria, 76, known as João de Deus (John of God) on Sunday, after he after surrendered to the authorities. He met the officers on a dirt road outside Abadiânia, Goiás, where he keeps his spiritual healing center. He vehemently maintained he was not guilty of any charges.

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China warns Tibetans not to be taken in ahead of Dalai Lama anniversary

BEIJING (Reuters) – The people of Tibet should not be taken in by the Dalai Lama’s lies and clearly understand the importance of Communist Party rule in the region, the Chinese government said ahead of March’s sensitive 60th anniversary of him fleeing into exile.

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COP24: “Climate justice is at the heart of just transitions”

On 13 December, Rev. Henrik Grape, coordinator of the World Council of Churches’s Working Group on Climate Change, was the reader of a statement of the faith communities to the high level segment of the of 24thConference of the Parties (COP24) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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Tasmania: December 2018

Tasmania LogoGreetings of peace and many blessings for this time of holy days! We hope that within the busyness of this time, we will all find time for quietness, inner peace and the reflection needed for inner transformation to face the challenges required by the times we are living in. Our next activities and newsletter will be in February 2019. However, there are some items which are important to note.

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Harnessing the moral authority of the world’s religions to save rainforests

Tropical rainforests are an irreplaceable gift. Not only do they exhibit nature in its most exquisite beauty, they are planetary life support systems that provide billions of people with food, shelter, livelihoods, medicine and clean water.

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Buddhism and Climate Change: The World We Have

Only when we combine our concern for the planet with spiritual practice will we have the tools to make the profound personal transformations necessary to address the coming environmental crisis. Thich Nhat Hanh offers us the guiding principles for a new ecospirituality of mindful living.

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Victoria: Launch of ‘Our Stories- Empathy and Education Leading to Action.’

The launch event for ‘Our Stories’ features the stories of four refugees building a new life in Australia. Alpha, Shabnam, David and Aya each arrived in Australia at a different time and from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds – will occur at the LaunchPad Hub, Richmond on the evening of 11 December.

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