Tasmania: December 2018

Tasmania LogoGreetings of peace and many blessings for this time of holy days! We hope that within the busyness of this time, we will all find time for quietness, inner peace and the reflection needed for inner transformation to face the challenges required by the times we are living in. Our next activities and newsletter will be in February 2019. However, there are some items which are important to note.

In 2017-18, as part of its continuing commitment to Australian’s social and religious wellbeing, Religions for Peace Australia (RfP Australia) conducted an Audit of Multifaith/Interfaith Groups and Institutions and their Activities across Australia, from the Grassroots to International Engagement, to examine what is occurring across the nation. Called Religion and Social Cohesion in Australia: an overview of multifaith activity, by Dr Susan Ennis and Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill OAM, the audit takes a snapshot of Interfaith from state to state and draws some surprising conclusions, including that this very important area for building social cohesion is virtually unsupported financially by governments: You can download this audit report here.

The recent Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Toronto, Canada resulted in many remarkable events. Among them was the declaration Towards a Global Ethic: an initial declaration (see here) and A Call for Climate Action:

Holy Days and Festivals in December
2 December Advent or the period of four weeks leading up to Christmas (Christian)

3-10 December Hanukkah or Festival of Lights (Jewish)
8 December Bodhi Day (Buddhism)
25 December Christmas (Christianity)
5 January Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Sikhism)
6 January Epiphany (Christianity)
7 January Nativity (Orthodox Christianity)
14 January Maghi (Sikhism)
21 January Mahayana New Year (Buddhism)

Arya Samaj
supported by the Hindu Society of Tasmania:
Vedic Life Management for a Healthy Body, Mind, Intellect and Soul

Visiting Vedic Scholar Acharya Sanatkumar will present the topic above in three sessions at Bharat Bhavan (7 Lodge Street, Glenorchy) in two days. They are:

Saturday 15th December (4:30pm to 6pm)
Sunday 16th December (9am to 11:30am)
Sunday 16th December (4:30pm to 6pm)

Each session will include presentation and lectures along with practical tips for life. There will be the opportunity to have Question and Answer at the end of each session. The vedic scholar will be able to answer your questions and vedic concept of mind, intellect, stress management, health, soul, and any inquiry on vedic philosophy. You can compare it with modern concepts.

The sessions are organised by Arya Samaj of Tasmania and supported by Hindu Society of Tasmania.

The seminars are open to all and free. Donations are welcome.

Register your interest by SMS to : Gloria Smith (0409214170) or Ajit Ramadas (0411300630)

Please come and enjoy the vedic wisdom.

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Tasmanian Council of Churches:

Sun 24 December 2018, 7 pm, St David’s Cathedral, 9 Lessons & Carols

Sun 24 December 2018, 11.15 pm, Christmas Carols, St Mary’s Cathedral

Share God’s love through the Christmas Bowl. You can down load resources at: actforpeace.org.au/christmasbowl or Cal l 1800 025 101

Quakers ~ One Day Retreat
Our next Retreat Day, which is on Tuesday 1 January 2019 from 10.00am-3.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House in North Hobart (enter either by Argyle Street through the car park or from Boa Vista Road).

Please contact Kerstin Reimers on (03) 6228 4890 or Maggi Storr on (03) 6278 9838 if you have any queries.

You are welcome to pass the information on to anyone you know who may like to join us for a day of retreat.

We look forward to beginning the new year in spiritual community, grounded in silence and opening ourselves to the gift of time with God, our inner selves and each other. We hope you can join us.

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Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

2019 Easter Retreat

Bookings are now open for our April 2019 retreat with Zasep Tulku Rinpoche at Dorje Ling Retreat Centre, Lorinna, Tasmania.

Rinpoche will be teaching on the subject of Mahamudra. This is a rare and precious opportunity to receive teachings in Tasmania direct from a Tibetan master of the Dharma.

More information is on our website, where bookings may be made:


Meditation meetings will be in recess from 11 December and will resume on the first Tuesday evening in February.

1 Day Interfaith Meeting

Julian gives a flier about an interfaith event at Hobart Town Hall to be held on 23 February 2019, called 1 Day. For more information or to participate, contact Julian (0401673016) or e: julianmcgarry@gmail.com
Download a Flyer for this event

Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference
One of the Guest Speakers was the Coordinator of the Victoria Police Multifaith Group, Cdr Stuart Bateson.

Victoria Police Commander Stuart Bateson says the Bourke Street attack was “a crime of one man” and wants to continue to work with and protect the state’s Somali and Muslim communities from backlash after the attack. Muslim community leaders have rejected calls urging them to do more, saying everything in their power is being done to prevent further radicalisation, noting their ongoing cooperation with the authorities.

Victoria Police Commander Stuart Bateson tells SBS Somali that he agrees that the community has done enough and does not understand what else they can be expected to do considering the circumstances. As a part of Victoria Police’s Priority Communities Division tasked with diverse community engagement, Commander Bateson tells SBS Somali that the state’s police force has a strong relationship with the Islamic communities and wants to continue working with them.

Asked whether he agrees with the statements of some politicians that the Muslim community needs to “do more” to prevent attacks such as Khalif Shire’s, Bateson says he is not sure what Muslim community leaders could have been expected to do in such a case.

“Do more of what?,” says Bateson. “That was the question that immediately appeared to me when I heard those comments. I think what we need to do, for all of us in the Victorian community, is to build social cohesion. So we all have to work hard, and there is a role for all of us to make sure our communities are strong.”

Commander Bateson also revealed that women wearing hijabs have been publicly abused in the days following the attack and urged anyone being harassed or abused to call the police, promising to act on any targeting of the Muslim community: See more here:

For your reading:

Report from the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Sikhs Today: Rainbow Turbans, Buns and Beards

Messianic Judaism: Why the leaders condemn

From Zenit:

Cardinal Parolin Calls for Action at Climate Change Conference

Philippines: Indigenous People Plant 2000 Trees

New Report Says Aggressive Nationalism Fueling Religious Hatred

Joint Declaration Released After 16th Meeting of Jewish-Vatican Commission

Red Campaign Draws Attention to Persecuted Christians

The Christmas Balls
It is said – from the Angelic Realms, a place of no limit – that the Soul looks something like a Christmas ball, with light visible, in tiny holes, radiating outwards…)(Hence, our Christmas Balls divider … )

In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521