NSW: Psychological Science of Meditation: The state of the art and some Tibetan Buddhist Perspectives

The Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre will host a Public Lecture by Dr. Peter Malinowski, Liverpool John Moores University on the Psychological Science of Meditation: The state of the art and some Tibetan Buddhist Perspectives.

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‘McJesus’ exhibit featuring crucified Ronald McDonald sparks violent protests in Israel

A sculpture of Ronald McDonald nailed to a cross — a spoof of the crucifixion of Jesus — has sparked violent protests in Israel, with rioters hurling a firebomb at the museum. Hundreds of Christians calling for the removal of the sculpture, entitled “McJesus,” demonstrated at the museum in the northern city of Haifa last week.

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As European blasphemy laws endure, journalists should consider how words can get them in trouble

Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs will deliver the World Interfaith Harmony Week address at Melbourne University on evening of 5 February. Her topic will be Religious Freedom in Australia. In Europe, the media are confronting an explosive combination: The democratic demand for freedom of speech and the equally emotionally laden demand that sincerely held religious beliefs not be subjected to indiscriminate insults and scorn.

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Forum on Modern Slavery – Awareness, Action and Impact

After many centuries of progress and advancement, we still live in a world where injustice and slavery continue to thrive, and where human dignity is exchanged for the sole purpose of greed, gain, and profit, reflected Bartholomew. “The Ecumenical Patriarchate is committed to learn, act, and witness to the elimination of this global abomination that traps millions of people to lives of suffering, injustice, and humiliation,” he said.

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Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in 2019

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2019 date based on Hindu panchang and calendar. Swami Vivekananda Jayanti celebrates the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda’s birthday falls on the Paush Krishna Saptami, the 7th day after the full moon day in the Hindu month of Paush. Therefore the date varies from year to year. In the Gregorian Calendar the date is 12 January 1863.

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Review: The Majestic Qur’an: A Plain English Translation

I have, over the decades, read countless English translations of the Qur’an by many notable scholars, all of whom endeavoured to bring forth the meaning of the Qur’an in comprehensible English. The Majestic Qur’an: A Plain English Translation is translated by Dr Musharraf Hussain, a British Pakistani scholar with over 40 years expertise in Urdu translation of the Qur’an.

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Climate Change: Beyond ‘Sustainability’: Nourishment for Moving Forward

In the aftermath of the recent 2018 Parliament of World’s Religions in Toronto, Ontario, Grove Harris reflected on work with women, faith, and eco-justice. Dr. Vandana Shiva was a major speaker for the climate change plenary and a wealth of other sessions. Her expertise and energetic, prophetic, scientific voice moved the Parliament’s climate justice work forward.

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Goodwill Opening Speech – Religions for Peace Bangladesh Seminar

Religions for Peace Bangladesh is holding this symposium on the need for world and regional peace and the importance of dialogue, not only between religions but also within religions. We in Australia commend their initiative. I thank you for your invitation and gracious welcome. It is eight years since my first visit to Dhaka and in that time Bangladesh has made good economic progress which will continue into the future.

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Europe: Addressing Global Challenges: Thinking and Acting Together

Over 30 senior leaders of different faith communities from MENA and the European countries, together with experts on migration, held two days of intensive conversation about mass migration in MENA and its impact in EU regions. The key focus was understanding and collaboration on urgent needs with regards to migration and patterns of migration movements. This event was co-sponsored by the European Council of Religious Leaders.

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