‘A lot of uncertainty’: imams fighting Covid misinformation in Australia’s Muslim community

Muslim at Prayer

A fatwa pronounces both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines as halal for Muslims.

Ibrahim Dadoun, director of public relations at the Australian National Imams Council, says while the government had been working with the council, “we issued a verdict without any directives from the Department of Health or from the government in general.”

“We do work closely with the government, but our work to address these issues has been done independently of the government.”

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Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Iraq improves relations with Muslims

Pope Francis in Iraq(Religion News Service) — Despite the naysayers who opposed the pope’s visit, Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Iraq (March 5-8) went beyond expectations in achieving the three goals of his trip: showing pastoral solidarity with his suffering Christian flock, calling for peace and reconciliation for the Iraqi people and establishing improved relations between Christians and Muslims.

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Sacred People – Sacred Earth: climate action is crucial to economic prosperity

On March 11, all over the world – and in many places in Australia – people took action to proclaim our Earth is a Sacred Earth, and we must care for the Earth – as people of faith. If we fail to care for the Earth, then we fail ourselves, our community, our society, our nation, our Earth. To be people of faith in Ausrtralia is to be multifaith, and multifaith Australia cares for our Earth and proclaims: This is a Sacred Earth.

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Australia: Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Sacred People - Sacred EarthPeople of all faiths are speaking with one voice in Australia and joining in the International Day of Climate Justice with Greenfaith International. At 11:00 am in every state, people of faith will join in ringing of bells for the climate, prayer, meditation and peaceful messaging. This activity involves Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Quakers and many other people of faith.

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An Urgent Appeal to De-escalate Violence on the Streets in Myanmar

An Urgent Appeal to Deescalate Violence on the Streets in Myanmar
There is no free media in Myanmar. As Australia is a member of Religions for Peace Asia, we reproduce an International Appeal to de-escalate violence on the streets of Myanmar. Human life – and Human Rights must be honoured and respected in Myanmar for a return to a peaceful nation.

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Queensland: Faith Communities Make Noise For Climate

Sacreed People - Sacred Earth Brisbane
More than one hundred Australian faith communities will ‘sound the alarm’ for the climate as part of a major global multi faith Day of Action on Thursday 11 March at 11am local time. Churches will ring bells, Rabbis will sound the shofar, Imams will call the Azan and other groups are holding silent vigils to draw attention to a series of demands of Prime Minister Scott Morrison for climate justice.

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