International Day of Peace will be celebrated in Melbourne on Monday 21 September 2020 with an online event. Opening and Closing Reflections to the event will be given by The Honourable Linda Dessau, AC – the Governor of Victoria, and Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp.
Our COO Victor Perton will be asked to light a candle (on a Zoom platform) and hold a meditative space, along with 14 faith/non-faith leaders in the community, to a guided commentary with periods of silence.
Leaders from faith and non-faith backgrounds will come together, in unity, to each light a candle for peace and hold a meditative space to gentle guided commentary and music.
Opening and Closing Reflections to the event will be given by The Honourable Linda Dessau, AC – the Governor of Victoria, and Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp.
Sister Jayanti – of the Brahma Kumaris – an international emissary of peace – will be a special guest at the event, among others (including Charlie Hogg) and Caroline Ward will be facilitating.
We hope that you will be able to participate in the build up to, as well as attend, the UN Peace Day event. This event will be healing and reflective, as well as forward-looking in nature, and proactively supports the power of collective peaceful and positive intentions as we shape a future that we would like to live in – together.
Event Details
Event: Virtual UN Peace Day with Calm in the City
When: Monday, September 21, 2020
Time: 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Bookings: Online at Zoom