Perth Bishop Don Sproxton has issued an invitation for people to participate in an interfaith prayer service in response to the euthanasia legislation being debated by the West Australian Parliament.
The service, to be held on Sunday at 3pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, will be an opportunity for the community to pray for parliamentarians.
Bishop Sproxton said the prayer service was not a rally or a political event, but an opportunity for people from all walks of life to come and pray for discernment and courage for Western Australia’s parliamentarians in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council.
“Respect for human life, from conception to natural death, is a fundamental pillar of what it means to be human and hence it is with sincere hearts that we should come together,” Bishop Sproxton said.
“A significant fact in this VAD [voluntary assisted dying] debate is that decisions individuals make about their desire to determine the time and manner of their death has implications beyond their own lives,” he said.
Bishop Sproxton said everyone – governments, churches, institutions, families and individuals – must accept responsibility to truly care for and support people throughout their lives, especially as they come close to death.
“How can we strengthen and support those many institutions in our society which can help us maintain and develop a deep sense of compassion, generosity, and a ready acceptance of our mutual responsibility for each other,” Bishop Sproxton questioned.
“All parishioners and congregations will be welcome at this event as we face this significant moral issue, reminding us of the importance of careful listening, informed dialogue and prayerful discernment.”