Greenfaith: Our Ten Climate Demands

Greenfaith Logo

June 5 is World Environment Day, and much must be done to protect the only Earth we have. Greenfaith – Interfaith Partners for Climate Action have a mission statement that tells, “Because the Earth and all people are sacred and at risk, GreenFaith is building a worldwide, multi-faith climate and environmental movement”.

Together our members create communities to transform ourselves, our spiritual institutions, and society to protect the planet and create a compassionate, loving and just world. Here, we bring you the Ten Climate Demands of Greenfaith, Interfaith Partners for Climate Action.

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Forest Restoration: Healing Tropical Forests for Spiritual Renewal

Interfaith Rainforest InitiativeThe Interfaith Rainforest Initiative has launched a new primer, ‘Forest Restoration: Healing Tropical Forests for Spiritual Renewal’. It outlines why forest restoration is an essential complement to forest protection and details how and why faith groups should participate in forest restoration projects that contribute to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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Care for Environment: Zoroastrianism

Ahura MazdaIt is the task of humans to respect and care for the Seven Bounteous Creations and to work against evil forces which oppose right order, and in so doing to bring the world back to its original state of harmony. Thus Zoroastrianism requires humans to protect the environment; to avoid harm, pollution, and waste; and to restore what has been damaged.

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Pope launches green initiative, decrying “predatory attitude” toward planet

Pope Francis leads the Pentecost Mass

Pope Francis launched an initiative on Tuesday to make Catholic institutions ranging from families to universities to businesses environmentally sustainable in seven years, saying a “predatory attitude” toward the planet must end.

The Laudato Si Action Platform takes its name from the pope’s landmark 2015 encyclical on the need to protect the environment, reduce wasteful lifestyles, stem global warming and protect the poor from the effects of climate change.

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Align your finances with your faith to protect the planet

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change logo

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change Living the Change event is a sequential series of three small group monthly sessions in which participants share, learn and discuss within a multifaith group issues surrounding aligning your finances and faith to protect the planet by divesting from fossil fuels.

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Federal Court finds Duty of Care for Young People and Climate Change

The federal court of Australia

The Federal Court of Australia has found the environment minister, Sussan Ley, has a duty of care to protect young people from the climate crisis in a judgment hailed by lawyers and teenagers who brought the case as a world first.

Eight teenagers and an octogenarian nun had sought an injunction to prevent Ley approving a proposal by Whitehaven Coal to expand the Vickery coalmine in northern New South Wales, arguing the minister had a common law duty of care to protect younger people against future harm from climate change.

Justice Mordecai Bromberg found the minister had a duty of care to not act in a way that would cause future harm to younger people. But he did not grant the injunction as he was not satisfied the minister would breach her duty of care.

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Ecumenical Groups gather to prepare for UN Climate talks

Global Prayer and Action Chain for Climate Justice
On the road to the next UN Climate Conference (the 26th Conference of Parties, or COP 26), churches and groups from a range of Christian traditions organised a webinar titled, “Raise Your Voice in Faith for Climate Justice,” on 13 May as part of the Global Action and Prayer for Climate Justice. 

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Care for Environment: Islam

Kaaba at MeccaAccording to Islamic law, the basic elements of nature – land, water, fire, forest, and light – belong to all living things, not just human beings. Allah commands human beings to avoid doing mischief and wasting resources as these acts cause degradation of the environment. Here we bring you excerpts from the Qur’an and Hadith on care for the Environment, the Statement on fossil fuel divestment by the Fiqh Council of North America and the Green Ramadan movement.

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Care for Environment: Christianity

The Cross of ChristAs part of the Interfaith Call to Action auspiced by United Nations Environment Program and other multifaith organisations, we will, each month, present the view of one religion on the Environment and Care for the Environment. Religions to be covered include Indigenous Traditions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, the Bahá’í Faith, Hinduism, the Jain Religion, Buddhism, the Sikh Religion, Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto, and in summary, Environmental Ethics: Points of Agreement among the World’s Religions. This month, Care for the Environment features the teachings of Christianity.

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Sacred People – Sacred Earth: climate action is crucial to economic prosperity

On March 11, all over the world – and in many places in Australia – people took action to proclaim our Earth is a Sacred Earth, and we must care for the Earth – as people of faith. If we fail to care for the Earth, then we fail ourselves, our community, our society, our nation, our Earth. To be people of faith in Ausrtralia is to be multifaith, and multifaith Australia cares for our Earth and proclaims: This is a Sacred Earth.

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Australia: Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Sacred People - Sacred EarthPeople of all faiths are speaking with one voice in Australia and joining in the International Day of Climate Justice with Greenfaith International. At 11:00 am in every state, people of faith will join in ringing of bells for the climate, prayer, meditation and peaceful messaging. This activity involves Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Quakers and many other people of faith.

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