Forests & Pandemics Primer

Forests & Pandemics Primer

Tropical forests are being destroyed at alarming rates around the world, driving climate change and biodiversity loss, and intensifying poverty. The habitat loss from tropical deforestation is also leading to increased contact between humans and wildlife. This exposure increases incidence of zoonotic diseases, infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. As the loss of tropical forests accelerates, the public health danger from deforestation is growing worse.

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Global coalition of 42 faith institutions divest from fossil fuels

Greenfaith logoThis week, 42 faith institutions from 14 countries announced their divestment from fossil fuels. This is the largest divestment from fossil fuels from faith institutions around the world to date. Faith organisations in the UK, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Myanmar, Spain and the United States are taking part. 

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A post-COVID Recovery for people & the Earth

arrcc logoThe Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) advocates that Australian governments respond to the science of climate change in the way they have responded to COVID-19. This would mean stimulus spending on climate-conserving, low-carbon options, many of which are deployment ready, economically cheaper and more employment-intensive than fossil fuel-based industries which are declining and come with huge and costly environmental consequences.

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Faith, COVID-19 and the push for a healthy environment

Faith biodiversity and a healthy environment

Faith provides spiritual and practical support to billions of people, especially in times of crisis. We are seeing this in action yet again as churches, mosques, temples, other places of worship and faith-based organizations around the world offer support, food, housing, donations and medical services during the pandemic. Such solidarity is sorely needed as millions suffer the physical, economic and emotional toll of COVID-19.

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Religious leaders appeal to Scott Morrison as ‘fellow person of faith’ for more climate action

PM MorrisonReligious leaders have appealed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a “fellow person of faith” to heed climate science following the country’s catastrophic bushfire season. The open letter – signed by 18 Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other faith leaders – urges Mr Morrison to show leadership and urgently transition Australia away from fossil fuels.

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Multi-faith Leaders Push Australian Government to Act on Climate Change

Members of the Peoples Climate AssemblyThe People’s Climate Assembly (PCA), co-hosted by multi-faith leaders from the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), gathered outside Parliament House in Canberra on 4 February, calling on the Australian government to take action on climate change. As a part of the peaceful protest, Anglican priest Fr. Rod Bower led an interfaith mourning ritual for victims of the widespread bushfires that have razed large areas of Australia. The ceremony of mourning was organized by the Canberra Interfaith Forum and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.

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China: Interfaith Exchanges and Shared Future for Mankind

Friendship Hotel, Beijing

The the aspiration of all peoples is for a better future when the global community was facing unprecedented challenges. This seminar was designed to provide a platform of equal learning for the eleven nations represented. In building a community for a shared future, it was critical ‘not to talk past each other but to experience joint and fruitful sharing’. Mankind’s future depends on collaboration, harmony and shared understandings.

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“World Leaders Must Act Now in the Face of Climate Emergency” – Message from the Faith-Based Organizations To the High-Level Ministerial Segment of COP25

cop25-logoIf the world is to address the climate emergency, every person must be involved in a transformation on many levels, notes a message from the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the UN climate talks this week. Speaking on behalf of Faith Based Organisations in Madrid for the United Nations Conference on Climate change, the message led by the World Council of Churches told – inter alia – “We call for systemic, cultural and spiritual transformations that may be translated into changes in the ways we live, produce and consume.”

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Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid, 2019

On the penultimate day of COP 25, a sign in the corridors reminds delegates of the urgency of reaching a positive outcome.

The most recent Climate Change Conference – called COP 25 – concluded yesterday in Madrid, Spain. Faith Communities, including the Brahma Kumaris and Religions for Peace International (both of whom have offices in the UN plaza in New York) (with a large delegation from the Lutheran World Federation) joined together with many faiths, many voices to produce a Faith-inspired declaration on Climate Change. This was delivered to the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by the World Council of Churches – in service and on behalf of all faith communities. The document is called Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid, 2019 . You may read this document in full:

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