Religious Leaders in Myanmar Reject Violence

Myanmar in flood

Senior Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Hindu leaders in Myanmar, collaborating as members of the working committee for Religions for Peace Myanmar, issued a multi-religious statement on June 18, 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar, to address recent escalating violence.

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Instanbul Declaration on Tolerance

European Council of Religious Leaders

The European Council of Religious Leaders have delivered a declaration on Tolerance which gives a wide array of values and behaviours which show tolerance in action.

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Religion in the University Curriculum

Religion and Ethics Report Logo

Where would you expect to find religion as part of a university education? Andrew West of the ABC’s Religion and Ethics Report explored this question with speakers at the recent Religion in the University Conference.

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Ten Promises for Children: A Multi-religious Commitment

Call to Action, Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace (RfP) and the Center for Interfaith Action (CIFA) today announced the launch of a global initiative to engage religious communities around the world in saving children’s lives through ten concrete and specific acts: Ten Promises to Our Children.

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African Religious Leaders Meet

Religions for Peace Logo

Nairobi, Kenya – Over 100 senior religious leaders from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, and other religious communities convened in Nairobi, Kenya, 16-17 May 2012, to launch a child survival and maternal health pan-African initiative.

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